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#mygtsprep Part 4: Color Match Magic


What a massive bunch of cool art coming into #myGTSprep! Seriously, the prep is one of my most favorite things we do, because we get to delight in such a vast variety of gorgeous, fascinating, and inspiring work, no matter what level anyone is at. Remember, everyone started at the beginning. We don’t judge.

Color is king! Without fantastic color, all the gorgeous drawing and design in the world won’t have the same magic appeal.

Have you found that you tend to use the same colors over and over? I know that I did when I was an illustrator. It’s just so easy to do!


I worked hard to freshen up my color palette now and then. Here’s why you should, too, for a few key reasons:

  • It gives your work fresh energy.
  • It broadens your job possibilities. Different palettes offer more variety for the client and some prefer moody colors; some like pale colors; some like bright colors.
  • You’ll be ready for the Global Talent Search!

Here’s today’s #mygtsprep assignment:
I want you to come up with a random color palette to break out of your color habit.

1.) Select a photograph. You could tear a page out of a magazine, or print out a photo from your library, for example. Don’t think too much about it. Random grabbing is fine. I’m thinking that it’s probably best if you don’t select a photo that is too complicated or that has every color in the book.

2.) Match the colors that you see in the photo. You can just match the main 5 or 10 colors. You can make the color blobs vary in size.

I’m picturing that you post the photo on the left of your page and the colors on the right, but do whatever you like to show us what you’ve done. Feel free to comment on the image or in the comments of social media.

I’m thinking that you can select a really pretty photo but also I’m thinking that maybe it’s the most random image. It’s up to you!


You know all those wonderful photos you posted of products for the GTS prep assignment #2? You could use one of those! Note: Don’t use someone else’s photo without their permission. Best to use your own.

The purpose of this assignment is to get you to try out some new color combinations so that you’ll feel fresh for the Global Talent Search assignment. Do you know that registration ends next Wednesday and the first assignment comes out Friday, July 29th!

Share your drawings on social media and be sure to include #myGTS prep.

Please share your work with us #myGTSprep!
Instagram (our favorite!) @lillarogers and @makeartthatsells
Twitter @artthatsells
Facebook @makeartthatsells

I can’t wait to see what you paint! You know, when you are having fun, your work is a joy. And when your work has joy, it has appeal. I always say: People buy your joy.

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Registration closes next Wednesday July 27. Don’t miss out! Enter now!

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