Learn how to get paid for illustrating children’s books!

  Our hugely popular online course, Illustrating Children’s Books, starts May 20th

Stay at Home Resources

We have rounded up all our top picks of the things being shared generously for free, very heavily discounted or low priced online to support people at this time. This is third-party content, but we thought we’d share it in case it is inspiring/fun/motivational for you. If you find anything out there which you think would be of particular value to the MATS community please let us know at [email protected] and we can add it to our growing list! Thank you to everyone who has so generously made these resources available for all of us.


Resources: WELLBEING

The Gift of Time: A guide to creating your own mini-retreat from our co-founder Beth Kempton (FREE)

Yoga With Adriene on YouTube (FREE)

21 Day Meditation Experience with Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra (FREE)

Insight Timer is full of amazing meditations and healing tools – our favorite is Yoga Nidra for Sleep with Jennifer Piercy (FREE)

WHO guidance official guidance from the World Health Organization

Exercise videos on YouTube (FREE)

TED Talks  the importance of self-care and simple ways to stay healthy — both physically and emotionally (FREE)

 Cosmic Kids Kids’ yoga/mindfulness on YouTube (FREE)


Two months’ access to Adobe Creative Cloud (FREE) – details here

The MATS Free Stuff archive (FREE)

The Gift of Creativity: Family Fun from our friends at Make It In Design (FREE)

Opera de Paris has opened up its archives and is offering free streaming for different ballets and operas (FREE)

DrawSoCute on YouTube (our children love this!) FREE

LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems  (FREE)

BBC Bitesize (FREE)

Free drawing lessons for kids from World Book Day illustrator Rob Biddulph (FREE)

Little Stories: Find your voice and tell your story e-course from @circleofpines (DISCOUNTED)


MATS MBA (MoneyBadAss) – rocket fuel for your creative career

Fluent Forever language learning app Free 30-day access using the code STUCKATHOME (FREE for 30 days)

Amazon UK Prime reading (free if you are subscribed to Amazon Prime in the UK)

Amazon US Prime reading (free if you are subscribed to Amazon Prime in the US)

Libby app borrow thousands of audiobooks and ebooks from your local library for free using your mobile device (FREE)

Soy Guiri Spanish lessons online (FREE for 1 month)


21 days’ access to OtherGoose.com, an established home learning platform from Erin Loechner (FREE for 21 days)

Audible is free for children while schools are closed (FREE)

Virtual Museum Tours (FREE)

Smithsonian online (FREE)

TED-Ed Keep busy with hundreds of free animated lessons (FREE)

Twinkl (UK) resources for continued learning at home (1 month FREE with  code PARENTSTWINKLHELPS)

Scholastic Learn at Home daily projects to keep kids reading, thinking and growing (FREE)

PE with Joe Wicks on YouTube (FREE)


TripIt travel app (6 months of Pro access for FREE)