Assignment Bootcamp 2020
£129 / $162 (approximate)Get creative inspiration every week for the price of a Weekly latte!
As a top art agent, Lilla Rogers assigns $$$-worth of art every day – so she knows exactly what’s selling in which markets right now, which trends are on the up, and what art directors are looking for (and what they’re not). In Assignment Bootcamp, she mixes this market-savvy knowledge together with a hefty dollop of playfulness to come up with four professional-quality briefs and loads of mini assignments along the way that will help you crank out four beautiful portfolio pieces for four super hot art markets, and have a whole bunch of fun doing it.
Do you want to feel excited and inspired? Do you want to get something from a top art agent every single week for four months that will help you grow your art, your portfolio, and your creative career at a fantastic price? Then Assignment Bootcamp 2020 is for you!
*Note: MATS courses can be taken in any order, and many people repeat them because they grow so much with each round of the course!
*All USD values are approximate
How would you like to get something from a top art agent every single Monday for four months to grow your artwork, your portfolio, and your career?
Why Bootcamp? It’s sometimes difficult to do art on your own, isn’t it? It’s overwhelming! Where do you even begin? It’s much more fun when you get a little treasure chest of directives. What we’ve created for you each month in Assignment Bootcamp is a packet of awesome, making it easier and less overwhelming. You’ll be guided step-by-step through the process, and your goal is simply to have fun and make art!
Click here to hear art agent Lilla talking about why you should take Assignment Bootcamp!
Work from a previous Bootcamp by Samantha Stas
Each month for FOUR months (from March to June) Lilla will release 1-2 mini warm-up exercises and a related big assignment designed to inspire professional-level work from you. Each month you’ll be looking at different markets, and you’ll also get loads of visual inspiration, guidance and downloadable goodies related to creating art for that particular market.
As a world-class art agent, Lilla sees the work that her artists are getting, so she knows exactly what’s on-trend right now and what art directors are looking for, and she uses her knowledge and insight to create the monthly Bootcamp assignments. All of the assignments are geared to making marketable portfolio pieces so that you can make art that sells in your own beautiful unique style and have a lot of fun doing it.
Every month, all uploaded assignments will be made public on our website in a class gallery, which is a fantastic way to get your work seen by others and increase your visibility. Many of our Bootcamp students have enjoyed amazing successes as a result of the work that they’ve created during the course!
Are you feeling excited and inspired? Are you ready to get something from a top art agent every single week for four months, to grow your artwork, your portfolio, and your career? Then Assignment Bootcamp 2020 is for you!
A word from Lilla on why she loves Assignment Bootcamp, and why you will too!
Find out what MATS student Sam Rudd thinks of Assignment Bootcamp here:
Sam Rudd from Lilla Rogers Studio School on Vimeo.
Make Art That Sells: Assignment Bootcamp with Lilla Rogers is an exciting online experience to help you create professional-level art in a supportive, nurturing environment, at a relaxed pace over an extended period of time.
It will help you stay motivated: the best way to improve your art career is to continuously make more art! This course will give you structure, support and it will be super fun!
Work by Anna Berger

A: Lilla: Great question. They are geared toward the top markets that commission lots of art. Each year it varies. It might be Home Décor, Bolt Fabric, Children’s Books, Wall Décor, Stationery, Gift, Editorial (Magazines), Children’s Products and Apparel, Journals—to name a few.
Q: Can you give us a hint of what this year’s assignments will be?
Lilla: Part of the way I motivate artists is to build a level of suspense over the weeks. It’s the way I teach — to break everything down into bite-sized bits so students don’t get overwhelmed, and then to build up to the final piece. All I can tell you is I absolutely love writing the assignments and coming up with fresh and unexpected themes! And then I get to marvel at the vast array of fantastic work that comes out of the class!

Assignment Bootcamp is open to anyone regardless of their ability and experience. It’s a great way to build on previous experience of MATS courses or to run alongside another MATS course, but it’s also a fun standalone course if you just want to take some time for yourself, play, create some art and see where it takes you.
Assignment Bootcamp is for you if:
- You’re a seasoned professional looking for some fresh, marketable ideas for your portfolio
- You’re a newbie who needs some focus and direction to begin your portfolio
- You really love making art and want assignments that are inspiring and awesome
- You want to play with a new medium or explore fresh styles
- You want professional-level assignments to stretch you to create fresh, signature pieces that are ready to sell in multiple markets.
- You want the kind of assignments which are proven to get work
- You want cutting-edge trend and inspiration from an art agent who licenses and commissions projects for artists every single day
- You do not have time for an intensive learning experience – instead, you are looking for a structure for staying on track and accountable, so you can create a strong body of work over several months
- You want access to a community of talented, supportive artists
- You want to treat yourself, do something for you and have fun making art
- You loved the assignments in any (or all!) of our other MATS classes and want more of them!
Tjarda Borsboom
“People buy your joy. The consumer does, the manufacturer does, the art director does. They can sense it in your work. So how do I help you find that place of joy in your art-making? That’s what I do in my courses.” Lilla Rogers
Sandrine Monnier
Here’s what you get:
// Mini Assignments. You’ll get 1-2 warm-up monthly Mini assignments to teach you more about your own artistic style, and give you space to experiment without worrying about the end result; this is a great way of loosening up before you dive into the Main assignment.
// Monthly assignments. Four in-depth, inspiring assignment briefs in the hottest art markets, written by top agent Lilla Rogers. Each monthly assignment will bring all your (mini) prep work together to create a finished portfolio piece each month. They’ll encourage you to explore your style and create professional-level art for your portfolio while having fun along the way! You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve!
// A community. Some say our community is the most supportive of any they’ve experienced. You’ll enjoy an invaluable community of like-minded artists of all levels to inspire, support and motivate you.
// Public Gallery Exposure. Show your work! You’ll have the option to post your work to a public gallery where it can be viewed by Lilla, peers, art directors and buyers, and other industry experts. Who knows who might spot your work? (Check out some of our Alumni Success stories here!)
//Ask the Agent: Facebook LIVE with Lilla. Ask Lilla your questions in a live real-time video each month! (Plus Lilla always has words of wisdom, show and tell, giveaways, and other tricks up her sleeve for you in these popular live events.)
Rebecca Bradley
This is incredibly valuable content offered to you by one of the world’s top art agents.
*The small print: Lilla Rogers Studio School reserves the right to change or replace any advertised free bonuses or content without notice.
The best way to get better at your art is to keep creating.
Each assignment will be in two stages – first 1-2 Mini assignments that allow you to create and experiment without worrying about the end result; and then the Main assignment, in which you’ll turn your initial ideas into a full-blown portfolio piece ready to snag great clients. You’ll do one full assignment per month, and have the option to post your work to a public gallery where it can be viewed by Lilla and other art agents, your peers, potential clients, art directors, and other industry experts.
Frequency of class activity
MARCH 2020
- Get an inspiring mini assignment brief to warm up and prep for the big assignment. Your focus is just on creating and playing without worrying about the end result (1st Monday of the month)
- The Assignment brief will be revealed, full of inspiration and instruction (2nd Monday of the month)
- Lisa Congdon and Lilla chat about creative entrepreneurial success LIVE (3rd Monday of the month)
- The submission deadline for that month’s gallery. This is the week you will also have an exclusive Facebook Live with Lilla, in our private Facebook group for Bootcamp (by the 4th Monday of the month) – this is optional!
- The monthly Bootcamp gallery will be unveiled to the public, featuring all our students’ submissions! (4th Tuesday of the month)
- A special bonus! (5th Monday of this month)
- Get an inspiring mini assignment brief to warm up and prep for the big assignment. Your focus is just creating and playing without worrying about the end result (1st Monday of the month)
- NEW! You’ll also get short instructional videos jam-packed with visuals and instruction as though you’re sitting down with Lilla in her studio!
- Treat yourself to a double helping: new for 2020, you’ll get an extra Mini assignment this week! That’s two weeks of artmaking, playing and finding your joy before you get the Main assignment: just think how well prepared you’re going to be (2nd Monday of the month)
- The Assignment brief will be revealed, full of inspiration and instruction (3rd Monday of the month)
- Deadline for submission for that month’s gallery. This is the week you will also have an exclusive Facebook Live with Lilla, in our private Facebook group for our Bootcamp.
(by the 4th Monday of the month) – this is optional! - The monthly Bootcamp gallery will be unveiled to the public, featuring all our students’ submissions! (4th Tuesday of the month)
Check out the galleries from the 2017 class here, 2016 class here, 2015 class here and 2014 here
Mareike Engelke
“I’ve grown so much! I feel more confident in my style, excited to try new things and experiment more! People buy your joy is my favourite lesson from Lilla.” Bethan Westran
“I don’t have enough words to describe the growth and improvement in my work. Lilla’s live videos are so inspiring. I think that her holistic approach to what it means to be a professional artist is what I found the most valuable and helped me the most.” – Galia Luz
Jenka Rivera
“It is eye-opening and greatly inspiring. It is full of energy. Making art is originally quite a solo lonely process (though I enjoy it much). At MATS Bootcamp, we had an amazing community supporting one and other. Not only have I bettered myself in making art, I have gained a lot of friendship.” Kris Tsang
A video about the 2017 Bootcamp from Tatjana Mai-Wyss
“A delightful experience that has extended me far more than I would have been able to do if I had been trying to improve my illustration on my own.” Daniela Glassop
“It’s an amazing course that will change your life. You will value your work more, get new inspiration, new ideas, new friends and you open your mind to the WORLD … the sky is the limit.” Sahily Tallet Yip
A video about the 2017 Bootcamp class from Anne Macha
“A must if you are thinking about getting into licensing, but are unsure of where to begin and how your work might fit into today’s market.” Joan Waites
Sarah Hand
“The assignments are all of the above but mostly they are FUN! This was my first experience with MATS. Lilla Rogers is the perfect mentor. She is warm and nurturing. She knows how to support artists, from the novice to the professional and everyone in between.” – Dru Hardy
If you have a question about Make Art That Sells please check these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) first. If you do not find an answer to your question here please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Q: I’ve never taken an online class before. How does it work? Do I need to be at my computer at a certain time?
A: You will have access to new content each Monday for four months in a beautiful password-protected online classroom. Each month, you’ll get a new assignment made up of several lessons: first 1-2 Mini assignments which allow you to create and experiment without worrying about the end result; and then the Main assignment, in which you’ll turn your initial ideas into a full-blown portfolio piece ready to snag great clients. You’ll do one full assignment per month, and have the option to post your work to a public gallery where it can be viewed by Lilla and other art agents, your peers, potential clients, art directors, and other industry experts.
You only need to be online at a certain time if you want to join the live monthly sessions. If you can’t join live, replays will be saved in the classroom for you to view when it suits you.
Q: What format is the class taught in?
The class consists of a series of Minis and Assignment PDFs delivered via a password-protected online classroom. There are also instructional videos and interactive Facebook live sessions, and a few other fun bonuses!
Q: What do you get in Bootcamp?
Each month you’ll create one finished portfolio piece for a different art market, chosen by Lilla. She knows exactly what is popular now, upcoming future trends, and what sells like hotcakes.
You’ll get 1-2 warm-up monthly Mini assignments to teach you more about your own artistic style, and give you space to experiment without worrying about the end result; this is a great way of loosening up before you dive into the Main assignment. You’ll also get the Main assignments, which will bring all your prep work together to create a finished portfolio piece each month. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.
There’s a monthly live session with Lilla, in which she’ll cover different aspects of art-making. A replay will be available in the online classroom after the event if you can’t join live or want to rewatch it.
There are also bonus materials such as video tutorials, interviews with industry experts, downloadable worksheets and more.
Q: Can I interact with Lilla during the course? You can comment and ask questions during Lilla’s monthly live sessions in our private Facebook group. Lilla may pop in from time to time, so keep an eye out! Remember you can always ask questions of the super-supportive MATS community in the private group.
Q: How much time will the class take?
Bootcamp is designed so you can keep up even if you have a full-time job or other significant commitments. There is only 1 big assignment per month (plus 1-2 mini assignments).
Q: I will be away for some of the time the class is running. Does this matter?
Bootcamp is spread out over four months so it’s likely that most students will be away at some point. With a month to complete each assignment, you should be fine. If you miss the deadline for sharing your art in the public gallery each month, you’re welcome to share in the class Facebook group for peer feedback.
Q: Do I need any special materials?
The course looks at art using a variety of media. We encourage you to try new things, so it is up to you. Use any materials you like – digital or traditional. Just get out your favorite art supplies! You can use a scanner or even your smartphone camera to photograph your work. You may find it useful to have access to a printer to print out course materials.
Q: Do I need any special software?
As with all MATS classes, it’s possible to complete the entire course using traditional techniques (painting, drawing, etc.), but if you wish to complete the assignments digitally you’ll need basic knowledge of Photoshop or Illustrator. Photograph or scan in your assignments to showcase your work at its best.
Q: Will I be able to communicate with others in the class?
Yes, you’ll be able to communicate in the private Facebook group (where you can also share your work). This is a great chance to connect with other artists and designers, get different perspectives and share your work.
Q: Is this an art class or a business class? This class is purely assignment-based aimed at helping you strengthen your portfolio and create commercially-viable pieces. Lilla shares advice and tips, but if you are looking for significant business/industry insight please consider taking one of our other popular live courses.
By registering for any of the Make Art That Sells classes and participating in any of the Make Art That Sells community areas, please be aware you are agreeing to the following Terms & Conditions:
- You acknowledge that your work will only get viewed by Lilla if you submit your assignment(s) as directed when any given class is live. You also acknowledge that although Lilla will view every piece of work submitted and provide general feedback to class during any live courses, and that only a handful of pieces will be chosen each week for specific critique (which will be shared with the class), and there is no guarantee that you will receive personal critique from Lilla during the course. Furthermore, you acknowledge that there is no feedback from Lilla Rogers offered in any course which is not live.
- You agree that Make Art That Sells may give permission to select art directors to view the finished works submitted for critique in MATS A/B/Home Décor/Lilla’s Art Recipes: Drawing Faces. Should they be interested in working with you, Make Art That Sells will put you in contact and you can continue your discussions directly.
- You give permission for Make Art That Sells to use any images you submit for critique in any class, or share in the class community area, to be included in any future class-related marketing or promotional strategies, online or offline. You will always be credited and will retain the rights to your work.
- You agree to the class Ground Rules which are as follows: (i) Stay open (ii) Be positive (iii) No negative critique of others (iv) No excuses are necessary. If you miss a deadline for submitting your assignment that is fine, but the entire class does not need to know the reasons for that.
- You acknowledge that Make Art That Sells and Do What You Love Ltd are the owner(s) or licensee(s) of all intellectual property rights in the site and the digital products you purchase, including any databases that hold relevant information about the site and its products. They are protected by copyright or trademark registration and you may only use any of the digital products in line with these terms.
- You acknowledge that all of the digital products that are available for sale on our site are owned or controlled by our licensors, or us. Upon payment of the price for any of these digital products, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the digital products for your own personal, non-commercial use.
- You agree that you shall not redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, commercially exploit, broadcast, modify, adapt, edit, sub-license, rent, share, lend, or transfer any digital products that you purchase through this site, or any of the contents delivered via Facebook Live or within our private communities.
- You acknowledge that Make Art That Sells reserves the right to delete any inappropriate comments in the classroom or any of the class-related community spaces, in order to provide and maintain a supportive classroom environment.
- You confirm that you are purchasing a single license for this course for your individual use only. To enquire about educational/corporate rates (for official groups of 10 or more) please send an email to hello [at]
- You acknowledge that Lilla Rogers Studio/Make Art That Sells reserves the right to replace any advertised content with alternative content of equivalent value without notice
- You acknowledge that all sales are final and no refunds will be given before, during or after class.
- You acknowledge that, if paying in installments, no part-payments will be refunded should you cancel your place before class begins.
- All courses are priced in GBP £. Any approximate $ equivalents given are for reference only. When paying by PayPal, you will be charged in your local currency at the prevailing PayPal exchange rate.
- You give permission for your email address to be added to the mailing lists of Lilla Rogers Studio, Make Art That Sells and Do What You Love. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Privacy Policy
We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.
Delivery Policy
All of the MATS Assignment Bootcamp lessons are delivered online in a private password-protected classroom. We do not deliver physical products in the post. Our online communities are offered via individual Facebook groups, to which you can request access, which will be granted once your enrolment has been confirmed. You can access the private classroom for your course via the Account section of this website, on or after the advertised start date of the course. For self-paced classes, you can access the private classroom via the Account section of this website, as soon as your purchase is complete.
Make Art That Sells reserves the right to change the time of any advertised Live Review without notice, for any reason whatsoever. If you have any issues accessing classrooms you can contact us at [email protected] where we will always endeavor to respond within 72 hours.
You can view our full detailed terms & conditions here:
Make Art That Sells, 2020
Here is a beautiful selection of work from Bootcamp students: