Hurry HURRY – sign up now for an incredible mentoring experience with top art agent Lilla Rogers!

Places are strictly limited – find out more and sign up here

Course dates: Instant Access

Hot Markets for Your Art Part A 2020

£259 / $322 (approximate)

Want to learn how to make art that sells?

Build a professional illustration portfolio and learn how to make art that sells in 5 of the most lucrative markets: illustration for bolt fabric, home décor, illustrating children’s books, wall art, and the gift market. Kick-start your creative career today!

Want more info? Just scroll down!

*USD values are approximate

Self-paced, start anytime

If you want to learn exactly what to put into your artwork to make killer portfolio pieces while staying true to your style and taste, this course is for you. Graduates of this course have gone on to win work from clients such as Hallmark, Robert Kaufman Fabrics, Oopsy Daisy, Uppercase Magazine, West Elm, Midwest CBK, and more. It is industry learning that works in the real world. This comprehensive course includes access to videos of Lilla Rogers reviewing over 500 pieces of art, and you will have full access until January 31, 2021!

A word from Lilla Rogers

What does MATS Part A teach you?

You will learn how to make art that sells in the following lucrative markets*:

  • Bolt fabric
  • Home décor
  • Children’s picture books
  • Wall art
  • Gift

(*See MATS Part B for stationery, baby/children’s apparel & décor, scrapbooking, editorial, gift & party paper).

Here’s Lilla with some eye candy from each market:


Duration – Self-paced, start anytime. The course is designed to take you 5 weeks at an intensive pace, or up to 5 months at a slower pace. Suggested scheduling is included to help you stay on track. You have access to the course, classroom, and all learning materials until January 31, 2021!.

Format – Online, with video, written content, imagery and private community

Your tutor – Lilla Rogers & industry expert contributors

Covered in this course

For each of the five featured markets, this course includes:

  • Market insights
  • Top tips for making work for this market
  • Who buys art in this market
  • What sells in this market
  • How to break into this market
  • Leveraging existing work for this market
  • Mini exercises and professional-level big assignments tailored to this market

Class access also includes:

  • Access to an archive* of 25+ reviews by Lilla Rogers featuring over 500 pieces of artists’  work, showing examples of work ready to send to clients, as well as advising on how to improve pieces to increase their commercial viability
  • Access to an archive* of assignments used in past classes, so you can build your portfolio and keep stretching yourself
  • Access to a question bank featuring the questions Lilla gets asked most frequently by artists trying to break into the industry
  • Opportunities to participate in fun online events we will run from time to time
  • The opportunity to participate in one Live Review per year, where Lilla Rogers looks at all submitted artwork and reviews a selection on video. Details of this live review are shared with class registrants each Spring.
  • Access to a private Facebook group where you can connect with other students & artists from around the world for encouragement and support
  • Access to all content until January 31, 2021!

*Archives feature content from past classes when MATS A was run as a live online course. Now it is self-paced we are offering unprecedented access to ALL past content, including all minis, assignments, and reviews.


You also get a ton of downloadable PDFs full of Lilla’s wisdom, all beautifully designed. These are wonderful sources of inspiration and information that you’ll refer to again and again. Click here for the full list of downloadables.


“It is an inspirational booster, a place to build community and confidence while gold plating your portfolio. Totally worth it, totally amazing.” SANDRA DUMAIS “I feel that I have learned fantastic amounts about the industry – information that money can’t buy. I feel that I have a thousand positive ideas in my head and am enjoying pushing them through.” EMMA BURNETT See video testimonials and more raves here.

Angie Rozelaar’s piece for Bolt Fabric week


*Note: MATS courses can be taken in any order, and many people repeat them because they grow so much with each round of the course*

Why take Hot Markets for Your Art? Here’s art agent Lilla!

If you are ready for it, this course could change the trajectory of your entire creative career. To make the most of it you will need to commit time and energy, and be sure it is for you.

MATS A is for you if…

  • You want to start NOW and study at a pace which suits you
  • You want to be in demand and have your work sell like hot cakes
  • You want to make some killer portfolio pieces in a structured program
  • You are already a working artist and you are looking to break into other markets
  • You would describe yourself as an illustrator, painter, mixed media artist, graphic designer, surface pattern designer, fabric designer or just someone who loves to draw
  • You are ready to learn about real business, and making real money
  • You have some experience of creating art in at least one medium (this course aims to take you from good to great). You do not need to have sold work before, but if you have, awesome!
  • You have some idea of your personal style but want to hone it
  • You have some idea of your preferred media but are willing to experiment
  • You want to know where your art will sell
  • You are willing to listen to advice and act on it
  • You want ideas for fabric designs you can print through a site like Spoonflower and sell
  • You want to make better work to sell in your Etsy shop
  • You have a basic knowledge of Photoshop and/or Illustrator (if you want to work digitally)
  • You are straight out of art school and want real business advice (NB: formal art education is not a prerequisite, and the course is open to all ages)
  • You are an art director secretly wanting to try your hand at illustration (and wouldn’t mind spotting some great art at the same time!)
  • You are ready to invest time and energy into your creative career
  • You are prepared to push yourself outside of your creative comfort zone
  • You want to be part of a supportive creative community of fellow artists and designers

This is not for you if:

  • You are a complete beginner or are looking for an art technique class. There are hundreds of fabulous creative courses out there – please have fun exploring and then come back to us when you are ready!
  • You are looking for technical tutorials in Photoshop and/or Illustrator
  • You are fixated on one medium/area and are not willing to experiment
  • You are looking for a ‘live’ class which includes the possibility of having your work reviewed by Lilla Rogers (If that’s you, try one of our live courses!)
Student work for MATS Part A by Deborah Stein

Wouldn’t you love to know exactly what companies like Anthropologie, Real Simple Magazine, Paperchase, Chronicle Books, Robert Kaufman Fabrics and so many others look for? If so, read on… Here’s what you get with MATS Part A:

// In-depth insight into five of the most lucrative markets for art

  • Bolt fabric
  • Home décor
  • Children’s picture books
  • Wall art
  • Gift

These are all potential places to sell your work and Lilla explains exactly what makes art sell in each market.

// Expert advice from the people who buy art, through a series of exclusive interviews with industry leaders who collectively buy millions of dollars of art every year. Find out exactly what art directors look for in each market.

// A set of professional-level creative assignments. The course includes a series of assignments designed to build your portfolio strength in each market area. You will also have access to an archive of reviews of work by other artists to help you understand what sells, and how to improve. (*Please note this class does not include any live reviews by Lilla Rogers. For that you will need to register for one of our live courses!)

Adena Jooste’s piece for Gift Week

// Each section includes:

  • In-depth market overview (what sells, who buys it, what they are looking for)
  • Examples of real jobs
  • Interview with a market expert, art director or a flourishing artist who is known for selling work in that market
  • A professional-level assignment and step-by-step guidelines to respond with great art that sells
  • Style development advice
  • Hot trends & fresh inspiration
  • Business and life advice from Lilla

You will also get access to a private community space where you can connect with other artists and designers, share your work and support each other.

Class access also includes access to valuable archives:

  • Access to an archive* of 25+ reviews by Lilla Rogers featuring over 500 pieces of artists’  work, showing examples of work ready to send to clients, as well as advising on how to improve pieces to increase their commercial viability
  • Access to an archive* of assignments used in past classes, so you can build your portfolio and keep stretching yourself
  • Access to a question bank featuring the questions Lilla gets asked most frequently by artists trying to break into the industry

*Archives feature content from past classes when MATS A was run as a live online course. Now that it is self-paced we are offering unprecedented access to ALL past content, including all minis, assignments, and reviews.

join us! REGISTER NOW!

Lilla has crafted a host of downloadable PDFs to support your growth as an artist. These cover the topics that Lilla is most frequently asked about and have proven to be hugely inspiring and informative to artists.

They include:

Practical and professional…

  • Lilla’s time management system
  • All about agents
  • How to negotiate
  • Email templates for contacting art directors
  • How to protect your work
  • The inside track on getting a gig
  • Guide for use of vintage ephemera in your art*
  • Advice on assessing your own work*
  • Industry vocabulary guide*
  • Recommended books*
  • *Also shared in MATS B


  • Fashion as muse
  • Layouts and media
  • Color inspiration
  • Tips for staying true to yourself
  • Drawing characters by hand
  • Drawing digital characters


  • How your personality type can influence your art career
  • Where to find support
  • Dealing with envy
  • Self-critique

 If you have a question about Make Art That Sells please check these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) first. If you do not find an answer to your question here please feel free to contact us at [email protected].


I’ve never taken an online class before. How does it work? Do I need to be at my computer at a certain time? The course happens in a password-protected private classroom right here on this site. There is a separate classroom for each part. It is self-paced, so as soon as you register you will have access to the course(s) you purchase, via your account on this site. We provide a guide for pacing yourself, whether you want to fire through the course at an intensive rate (in which case we recommend 5 weeks), or whether you want to take it more slowly (in which case we recommend up to 5 months). The beauty of an online course is that you can check in whenever you like and do not need to be online at a specific time as the content will be available 24/7, so it does not matter what time zone you are in. You can log on every day if you choose, or set aside some time once or twice a week to work through it. There will also be a private community space where you can connect with others and share images of your work. The written content in the class will be downloadable and you will have access to the classroom until January 31, 2021, so you have plenty of time to go back through everything at your own pace. The community space will remain open indefinitely.

What format is the class taught in? The class is taught using video, written posts and a huge amount of imagery. Everything is made available in a bespoke, password-protected private classroom. There are both professional-level creative assignments and a handful of additional creative exercises in the course.

Can I access MATS courses from any device?  Yes, you can access MATS courses from any device once registered, but we strongly recommend viewing our courses on a desktop or laptop for the best user experience. We pack lots of information and visuals into our courses and they are best viewed on larger screens.

Why is there such a price difference between MATS A/B and the Assignment Bootcamp? MATS A & B include a detailed insight into individual markets, what work sells in those markets, who buys, what they are looking for and more. Actual companies are listed to help you get started with whom to submit your work to. They include guidance on how to make your work more commercially viable while staying true to yourself – guidance which comes from top art agent Lilla Rogers and exclusive interviews with a host of industry experts. They include assignments tailored to each market to develop your practice. Perhaps even more importantly, you get access to an archive of art reviews by Lilla Rogers, plus a question bank featuring the questions Lilla most frequently gets asked by artists. MATS Part A & B teach you how to show your work to clients, time management, advice for the creative person, negotiating tips, finding trends, all about agents, all about Surtex, and more. This is an intensive learning experience. All of these courses give you access to a private community of like-minded artists who will support and encourage you on your journey.

Can I ask questions to Lilla during the course? This is a self-paced class that you can take any time, so there is no Q&A facility in MATS A. However, the course does include access to a question bank featuring the questions Lilla most often gets asked by artists.

Can I get feedback from Lilla on my work? Once a year there is an opportunity to participate in a Live Review challenge when Lilla Rogers sees all submitted work and reviews a handful of pieces. Other than this, the self-paced MATS A does not include the option to have your work reviewed by Lilla. However, it does include access to an archive of 25+ reviews by Lilla featuring over 500 pieces of art, taken from past MATS classes when the course was run ‘live’. This offers a wealth of insight into what clients look for and how to improve. If you are keen to get more access to Lilla Rogers please consider taking one of our live classes, such as the Portfolio Review course.

Are there any other industry experts involved in the course? Yes, we are honored and grateful to have a stellar line up of contributors! See here for more details.

How hard is the course? Lilla is a gifted teacher and has broken down the assignments into clear steps to help you create great art without getting overwhelmed. However, please know that this course is aimed at working artists or those with several years’ experience of creating (in any medium). It is not a beginner’s art course.

How much time will the class take? The more time and energy you invest the faster you will see results. The content varies from post to post but you will probably need around 20-30 minutes per lessons, then an additional hour or two for the mini exercise and anything from 3-6 hours for the main assignment, depending on how much effort you choose to put into it. It really is up to you. There is a huge amount of information and inspiration packed into this course and you should be prepared for an intensive learning experience! The course includes a planner to help you stay on track, whether you aim to complete the course in five weeks or five months.

Does it matter what order I take the courses in?

All of the MATS courses are unique & designed to be taken in any order you choose. You can take each course individually or take them all to put a rocket under your creative career!

How do I choose which course is right for me?
It really depends on whether you are looking to learn what art directors look for in each market and how to go about creating work they might buy (in which case you need MATS A/B), or whether you just want to have assignments to prompt your work (in which case Bootcamp is for you). Alternatively, if you are specifically looking to break into the Home Decor market, you might want to consider MATS Creating Collections for Home Decor, which is presented in collaboration with top art director Margo Tantau.
If you are looking for work in a specific market, it is worth checking both MATS Part A and B contents to see which markets are covered in each.
Each course has 5 assignments. MATS also has trends and all the info you need about each of the various hot markets, plus a series of videos and interviews. Bootcamp is primarily a way to build your portfolio.
If you take all the MATS courses, you’ll have a ton of pretty terrific portfolio pieces.
Do I need any special materials?

The course looks at art using a variety of media. We really encourage you to try new things, so it is up to you. You will at least need a sketchbook, paints, pens, and pencils, and you will be free to integrate any other media you like. Just get out your favorite art supplies! You will need a computer and scanner and would find it useful to have access to a printer.

Do I need any special software? The class provides a wealth of knowledge on how to prepare and present your work to potential clients. It is possible to complete the entire course using traditional techniques (painting, drawing etc) but if you wish to complete and submit the assignments digitally you will need at least a basic knowledge of Photoshop and/or Illustrator. You will need to be able to scan in your assignments if you want to showcase your work at its best. Please note this is not a Photoshop/Illustrator instruction class. If you want to get more familiar with these programmes before starting the class we would recommend or The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design.

It is possible to complete the entire course using traditional techniques (painting, drawing, etc.) but if you wish to complete and submit the assignments digitally you will need at least a basic knowledge of Photoshop and/or Illustrator. You will need to be able to scan in your assignments if you want to showcase your work at its best.

I am not a digital artist. Is this course for me? Lilla represents artists who use digital, traditional, or both media. The MATS courses are definitely not just for people digital artists. Of course, some markets may lend themselves to digital artists and graphic designers, and others more towards painterly/mixed media artists or illustrators. Lilla is very clear in her guidance throughout the course about where different media can shine, and how to push yourself out of your comfort zone if a particular market is not an obvious choice for you. All of the assignments given in the course are suitable for both traditional and digital artists to interpret in their own way.

Will I be able to communicate with others in the class?

Yes, you will be able to communicate via comments in the classroom and in the private class space provided (where you can also share images of your work). You will also gain access to a private online community for all students of this course where you can interact and ask as many questions as you like. This will be a great chance to connect with other artists and designers, get different perspectives and share your work.

Will the class material be available after the class has ended? Yes, you will have access to the classroom until January 31, 2021. The written class content can be downloaded from class. The private online community will remain available to you indefinitely.

How do I know if the course is for me? See the “Is this for you” tab to find out!

Is this an art class or a business class? It is both, but it is not a technique class. The course focuses on giving you an insider view on what you need to do when creating your art to make it more commercially viable while still being uniquely YOU. It includes five assignments and additional mini creative exercises, so there is a strong creative element to it, but it also looks at each industry in depth and gives business insight there. The goal is to create a portfolio piece for each market.

Can I book Part A now and sign up for Part B later? Of course!

How much is it and how do I register? The course cost is displayed under the course title. Click “Add to cart” to register. If a course is not yet on sale, click “Join waiting list” and we will be in touch to let you know when the next course is on sale.

I see the prices are given in GBP (British pounds). Can I pay in another currency? Yes, Paypal accepts most currencies. All class fees are charged in GBP (British pounds), and this will be the amount which shows up in your Paypal transaction, but you will automatically be charged in your local currency at the prevailing Paypal exchange rate valid at the point you sign up – so if you have a USD$ bank account the funds will be removed in USD$. The local currency equivalent should be displayed on your screen before the transaction is completed.

What payment methods do you accept? We process all our payments with Paypal, a safe and secure way of sending money online. If you do not have a Paypal account you can sign in as a Paypal guest and pay via credit or debit card. All class fees are in GBP (British pounds) but you will automatically be charged in your local currency at the prevailing Paypal exchange rate valid at the point you sign up.

I don’t live in the USA. Is this course relevant for me? Lilla Rogers represents artists internationally. Although the main buyers for art in the markets covered are in the US, much of the content is relevant for you wherever in the world you are, especially if you are interested in selling your work internationally. And because everything is made available to you online, it does not matter what time zone you are in.

How is this course different from Lilla’s book? Lilla’s book ‘I Just Like To Make Things’ is a fantastic resource and is highly recommended as a companion to the e-course. Being spiral bound you can draw and journal in it. Full of annotated visuals, it provides insights into a variety of art and craft markets. However, this course goes into much more depth about exactly what art directors are looking for when buying art in each of the ten most lucrative markets and takes you step-by-step through building portfolio pieces for each market. It also provides new and exclusive interviews with key market experts and gives you the opportunity to get your art in front of Lilla as well as become part of a community. While Lilla’s book is very motivating, the MATS courses provide excellent assignments, structure, trend, and motivation to help you create art for your portfolio.

How is this course different to a college course? College courses are often taught by an instructor versed in perhaps one or two markets. However, as an agent, Lilla sees exactly what the hottest markets are, sees what art sells and what doesn’t sell, and assigns work to her artists daily. Her advice comes from the cutting edge, and is based on three decades of experience selling great art! It is also a unique opportunity to hear from art directors about exactly what they are looking for. As an online course, you can ‘attend’ from the comfort of your own home or studio, anywhere in the world, and the private classroom is open 24/7 so you can make it work around your life.

Is the course just for women? Not at all! Everyone is welcome. Join us!

Since launching in 2013, Make Art That Sells has rapidly gained a reputation as the go-to course for anyone serious about making commercially viable art whilst staying true to themselves. We have been completely blown away by the response of our participants (many of whom have come back to repeat the courses), and have been thrilled to see huge leaps forward in their artwork. Make Art That Sells really works, as can be seen in this blog post sharing some of the many jobs participants have landed since graduating.

Here are a few words from Lilla explaining what’s special and different about MATS courses, and why they really work:

Check out these fabulous1-minute videos created by MATS students to explain what the experience meant to them:

Carla Martell


Tjarda Borsboom


Harriet Mellor


Ohn Mar Win


Antonija M


Diane Neukirch

Here are just a few of the kind words that other participants said about the impact the course had on them: “This is the course you need to do if you want to sell your art to the masses. As far as I know its the only course like this in existence. The information is like gold dust. It’s that valuable! ” CHANTEL DE SOUSA

“Best investment in your art career, ever.” LISA RIVAS

“I showed at Surtex for the first time last year and now wish I had taken this course before I showed. I have an entirely new outlook on the industries I am trying to enter but also I have fresh eyes on my own work and places where it needs some work.” JAMI DARWIN

“I got some commissions and new works because of some Lilla’s challenges (in this course). Now I know I can even do more and can adapt more to client demands.” JENIFER ESPINOSA

“MATS is an online art course like no other. Not a drawing class, not a painting class. The name says it all “make art that sells”. You look forward to the daily class posts. Some days I stayed up till 2am and was up at 6am ready to make art. You will make many online friends that support and encourage you. You’ll also work a little harder because you know there just might be a glimmer of a chance that your work will get noticed by a buyer (which happened to some in the class).” LAURA STANKE

“Like a breath of fresh air! Totally inspiring and life changing!” DAWN MACHELL

“Intense, inspiring, a rollercoaster and immensely fun.” SUSAN DRISCOLL

“Life-changing, creative, inspiring, professional, challenging.” CHRISTINA MCINERNEY

A nurturing, information-packed, super fun, positive, boot camp for anyone exploring new markets to license their artwork.” LAURA HULISKA BEITH

“MATS is a survey of all the major markets for licensing your artwork. Each week is like an immersion course in one of those markets–the products, the brands, the artists having success in that market, the art directors, the themes, the styles, how to present your work–culminating in an assignment where you get to make a piece for that market. Lilla recaps each week with a review of selections from the submitted work, which further hones your understanding of how to make art for that market. On top of it all, each week is chock-a-block with other tips and bits of inspiration for artists… ideas about managing your business, how to approach art directors, how to balance work and life. Just so much, honestly, it’s impossible to tell you everything. You have to experience it for yourself. The investment might seem like a stretch, but it is INCREDIBLE value.” BETSY

“The coolest of cool, most enlightening, awesome class I’ve ever been a part of… and I’m probably a tough audience to begin with!” NICOLE LA RUE

By registering for any of the Make Art That Sells classes, please be aware you are agreeing to the following Terms & Conditions:

  • You acknowledge that there is no feedback from Lilla Rogers offered in the MATS A or B self-paced courses.
  • If you submit any work in class and it is selected for review by Lilla in MATS A/B/Home Décor, you give permission for that critique (including your images) to be shared with the rest of the class in whatever format Lilla chooses.
  • You agree that Make Art That Sells may give permission to select art directors to view the finished works submitted for critique in MATS A/B/Home Décor. Should they be interested in working with you, Make Art That Sells will put you in contact and you can continue your discussions directly.
  • You give permission for Make Art That Sells to use any images you submit for critique in any class, or share in the class community area, to be included in any future class-related marketing or promotional strategies, online or offline. You will always be credited and will retain the rights to your work.
  • You agree to the class Ground Rules which are as follows: (i) Stay open (ii) Be positive (iii) No negative critique of others (iv) No excuses are necessary. If you miss a deadline for submitting your assignment that is fine, but the entire class does not need to know the reasons for that.
  • You acknowledge that Make Art That Sells reserves the right to delete any inappropriate comments in the classroom or any of the class-related community spaces, in order to provide and maintain a supportive classroom environment.
  • You confirm that you are purchasing a single license for this course for your individual use only. To enquire about educational/corporate rates (for official groups of 10 or more) please send an email to hello [at]
  • You acknowledge that Lilla Rogers Studio reserves the right to replace any advertised content with alternative content of an equivalent value without notice
  • You acknowledge that all sales are final and no refunds will be given before, during or after class.
  • You acknowledge that, if paying in installments, no part-payments will be refunded should you cancel your place before class begins.
  • All courses are priced in GBP £. Any approximate $ equivalents given are for reference only. When paying by Paypal, you will be charged in your local currency at the prevailing Paypal exchange rate.
  • You give permission for your email address to be added to the mailing lists of Lilla Rogers Studio and Do What You Love. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Privacy Policy

We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any 3rd parties.

Delivery Policy

All our courses are delivered online in password-protected classrooms. We do not deliver physical products in the post, but rather send you an email with the URL of the classroom and the password you need to log in. This email is sent to the email address you used to register for the class, and will be sent at least two days prior to the start of class (except where you register with less than 48 hours to go, in which case it will be sent within 48 hours of registering, which may be after the class has begun). If you do not receive your classroom login information within this time frame please contact us via email to hello [at] so our team can assist you.

You can view our full detailed terms & conditions here:

Make Art That Sells, 2020

We are on Instagram
Gorgeous art by Make Art That Sells student Tequitia Andrews @tequitia_andrews for our FREE Black history course, Redrawing Black History.  #BlackHistoryMonth

Gorgeous art by Make Art That Sells student Tequitia Andrews @tequitia_andrews for our FREE Black history course, Redrawing Black History.


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🗣️ HUGE NEWS!  Ever wondered how it would feel to have Lilla as your agent, to look over your portfolio and pick out the gold, advise you on your next steps in your career, read over that deal you’ve been offered, maybe even suggest the name of an art director who’d ✨love✨ your work?  Now you can find out! We’re so excited to announce the launch of Inner Circle: small group mentoring with top art agent, illustrator, author, columnist, educator and more, Lilla Rogers.  Hurry hurry – this mentorship intensive is strictly limited to just 12 participants, so that everyone gets what they need from Lilla. Don’t miss out – find out more and sign up now. Link in Stories or copy and paste 👉


Ever wondered how it would feel to have Lilla as your agent, to look over your portfolio and pick out the gold, advise you on your next steps in your career, read over that deal you’ve been offered, maybe even suggest the name of an art director who’d ✨love✨ your work?

Now you can find out! We’re so excited to announce the launch of Inner Circle: small group mentoring with top art agent, illustrator, author, columnist, educator and more, Lilla Rogers.

Hurry hurry – this mentorship intensive is strictly limited to just 12 participants, so that everyone gets what they need from Lilla. Don’t miss out – find out more and sign up now. Link in Stories or copy and paste 👉

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Art agent Lilla loved this art for Assignment Bootcamp: Lettering by Make Art That Sells student Colee Wilkinson @coleewilkinson

Art agent Lilla loved this art for Assignment Bootcamp: Lettering by Make Art That Sells student Colee Wilkinson @coleewilkinson ...

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Fantastic portrait of Elizabeth Catlett by Make Art That Sells student Kay Wolfersperger @kaywolfersperger for our FREE Black art history course, Redrawing Black History.  If you haven’t already signed up for this incredible FREE class, take it now – link in bio or copy and paste 👉  #BlackHistoryMonth

Fantastic portrait of Elizabeth Catlett by Make Art That Sells student Kay Wolfersperger @kaywolfersperger for our FREE Black art history course, Redrawing Black History.

If you haven’t already signed up for this incredible FREE class, take it now – link in bio or copy and paste 👉


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Gorgeous art for Bootcamp Special: Character Play by Make Art That Sells student Luisa Garcia

Gorgeous art for Bootcamp Special: Character Play by Make Art That Sells student Luisa Garcia ...

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Showing a variety of different color palettes in your portfolio can help you land more paying jobs.  Why? Head over to today’s blog to find out from top art agent Lilla Rogers, who has agented thousands of commissions like these. Link in bio or copy and paste 👉  Want to make some fabulous art for your portfolio that can help you get jobs like these? Then hurry HURRY, registration for Lilla’s color exploration course, Color Quest, closes TODAY!  Don’t miss out! Sign up now – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

Showing a variety of different color palettes in your portfolio can help you land more paying jobs.

Why? Head over to today’s blog to find out from top art agent Lilla Rogers, who has agented thousands of commissions like these. Link in bio or copy and paste 👉

Want to make some fabulous art for your portfolio that can help you get jobs like these? Then hurry HURRY, registration for Lilla’s color exploration course, Color Quest, closes TODAY!

Don’t miss out! Sign up now – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

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Who else needs a beautiful challenge to focus on right now? 🙋‍♀️  Here’s what illustrator Tara Lilly @taralillystudio thought of the amazing Palette Finder assignments that Lilla created for her brand new Color Quest course.  Join the class now and you’ll get instant access to all the Mini assignments released so far – but hurry HURRY, registration closes TODAY and we don’t know when this course will run again!  Don’t miss out! Sign up now – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

Who else needs a beautiful challenge to focus on right now? 🙋‍♀️

Here’s what illustrator Tara Lilly @taralillystudio thought of the amazing Palette Finder assignments that Lilla created for her brand new Color Quest course.

Join the class now and you’ll get instant access to all the Mini assignments released so far – but hurry HURRY, registration closes TODAY and we don’t know when this course will run again!

Don’t miss out! Sign up now – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

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It’s February, it’s cold, it’s dark and well - <gestures>  How would you like to get a little bit of joy every day Monday to Friday for the rest of the month that will help you immerse yourself in beautiful color and lose yourself in art while you make some gorgeous pieces for your illustration portfolio?  If that sounds good then hurry HURRY because art agent Lilla’s dreamy color course, Color Quest, is on NOW but registration closes soon and we don’t know when it will run again!  Sign up now for instant acccess to all the assignments so far – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

It’s February, it’s cold, it’s dark and well - <gestures>

How would you like to get a little bit of joy every day Monday to Friday for the rest of the month that will help you immerse yourself in beautiful color and lose yourself in art while you make some gorgeous pieces for your illustration portfolio?

If that sounds good then hurry HURRY because art agent Lilla’s dreamy color course, Color Quest, is on NOW but registration closes soon and we don’t know when it will run again!

Sign up now for instant acccess to all the assignments so far – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

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Make four pieces of stunning art for your illustration portfolio with art agent and illustrator Lilla’s new Color Quest course – but HURRY, registration closes SOON and this course won’t run again this year!  Here’s what illustrator Tequitia Andrews @tequitia_andrews thought of art agent Lilla’s dreamy Palette Finder assignments that Lilla created for the course.  Don’t miss out! Sign up now – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

Make four pieces of stunning art for your illustration portfolio with art agent and illustrator Lilla’s new Color Quest course – but HURRY, registration closes SOON and this course won’t run again this year!

Here’s what illustrator Tequitia Andrews @tequitia_andrews thought of art agent Lilla’s dreamy Palette Finder assignments that Lilla created for the course.

Don’t miss out! Sign up now – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

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Amazing hearing how much our students are loving their first few assignments for Lilla’s Color Quest course, which started yesterday 🥰  Need some color and joy in your life (who doesn’t?)? Then hurry HURRY, there’s still time to sign up!  Join the class now and you’ll get instant access to all the class materials released so far, plus you’ll be on track to get your first Big assignment and enjoy the live Zoom with art agent Lilla on Friday.  Quick! Sign up now – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

Amazing hearing how much our students are loving their first few assignments for Lilla’s Color Quest course, which started yesterday 🥰

Need some color and joy in your life (who doesn’t?)? Then hurry HURRY, there’s still time to sign up!

Join the class now and you’ll get instant access to all the class materials released so far, plus you’ll be on track to get your first Big assignment and enjoy the live Zoom with art agent Lilla on Friday.

Quick! Sign up now – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

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Who else uses ALL the colors? 🤭  Here’s what illustrator Katie Vernon @katievernonart thought of art agent Lilla’s fabulous Palette Finder assignments that Lilla created for her brand NEW Color Quest course.  HURRY! Color Quest started yesterday, but there's still time to join! Sign up right now and get your very first Palette Finder assignment with the rest of the class.  Don’t miss out! Sign up now – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

Who else uses ALL the colors? 🤭

Here’s what illustrator Katie Vernon @katievernonart thought of art agent Lilla’s fabulous Palette Finder assignments that Lilla created for her brand NEW Color Quest course.

HURRY! Color Quest started yesterday, but there`s still time to join! Sign up right now and get your very first Palette Finder assignment with the rest of the class.

Don’t miss out! Sign up now – link in Stories or if you’re on a laptop, copy and paste 👉

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