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What does your home life look like right now? Plus get your final FREE assignment

We hope you’ve enjoyed all the Arty Assignments that art agent Lilla has created for you this month – if you’ve missed any, head over to our blog to catch up, and don’t forget to check out Lilla’s favorites on our Instagram feed.

We’ve considered the future and the past, such as things that you might be missing from our pre-pandemic lives. What about the present?

What does your home life look like right now? As for me, British Jennie, I’m writing this from the bathroom, because it’s the only room in my house with a lock. Every now and then I can hear crashes, which reassure me that my children are still alive and give me a vague idea of their location, plus it’s a fun guessing game for me (what do I own that makes that noise as it hits the floor?). Eventually they’ll find me and I’ll have to prepare the second or third lunch of the day. With three children at home, our days are essentially now one long snacking session punctuated by screen time, as I wade through discarded toys and wonder why I can’t see the couch any more.

Draw your home life right now Make Art That Sells What does your home life look like right now? Plus get your final FREE assignment

How about you? Are you furiously trying to track down some more bread flour, delving into ever darker depths of the internet on your quest? Are you curled in a fetal position, surviving only on peanut butter eaten directly from the jar? Are you spending more than 12 hours a day on Zoom? Are you worried about how you’ll ever wear anything other than stretchy pants ever again? Are you relishing having more time to work on your art or to spend with children or your partner at home?

perfectshelter asaGilland Make Art That Sells What does your home life look like right now? Plus get your final FREE assignment

Dreamy cover for The Perfect Shelter for Little Tiger Press by Åsa Gilland, a former Make Art That Sells student who is now represented by Lilla Rogers.⠀

Whatever your home life looks like right now, we want to see it. Draw it in all its glory and share by tagging us on Instagram @makeartthatsells. As well as being an amazing record for you and your family, it will also be a great portfolio piece for the editorial market (illustrations for magazines, books and websites).

We look forward to seeing what you do!

Lots of love

British Jennie and the Make Art That Sells team xxx

P.S. This is the last of Lilla’s Arty Assignments for now, but if you want more then be sure to check out our My Semester of Art School bundle! It not only gives you access to all of Lilla’s courses for the rest of 2020, but also brilliant assignments every month from April to November (so you’ll get April and May’s as soon as you sign up) and it’s 10% off! Find out more and register here.

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