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Category:Course: Lilla’s Mystery Box
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learn from an art agent Make Art That Sells Find out how you can snag Lilla Rogers’ brand NEW courses at an amazing price!

Find out how you can snag Lilla Rogers’ brand NEW courses at an amazing price!

Have you met Lilla Rogers? As well as Make Art That Sells co-founder and teacher, she’s also a renowned art agent and an innovative educator who’s taught everyone from children to professional artists. And she’s a hugely calming and inspirational voice in these difficult times. Lilla writes: “One thing about where we are in this crazy, unprecedented time in the world is that it cuts through the unnecessary stuff. We step back and take a good look at our lives: what once was, in the past, and what will be when this is over.  This in-between time is a precious moment to reflect and make changes to our lives so that when this phase is over and the bright new future emerges, we will be well-positioned to go after our dreams. Let me help you achieve your deepest goals.” As an art agent and former illustrator, Lilla Rogers has boatloads