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Category:Course: Portfolio Review
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PRL20191 Make Art That Sells What is your brand? Find out with our FREE download!

What is your brand? Find out with our FREE download!

What is your brand?   You may have heard people saying that you need to have your own brand, but what is it and how do you get it? Lilla breaks it down in her inimitable style: your brand is simply the art you love to make plus the gigs you want to get. Your brand is also your style. Lilla says “It’s an internal thing and completely instinctive: the art you love to make, your own art that you love, the art materials you love to use, the things that you love to look at, buy or own … All these things come together to create your own personal brand.” Student feedback for Portfolio Review Live  Let’s take an example. When you look at someone’s art and think: wow, they’ve got a really strong brand, perhaps you’re seeing that they really love messy paint, working in blues and greys and drawing birds. You’re seeing the

prl2promoheader Make Art That Sells Portfolio Review Live begins today! FREE downloadable worksheet!

Portfolio Review Live begins today! FREE downloadable worksheet!

Have you always wanted to see how a top agent reviews a portfolio? From over 30 years in the business, top art agent Lilla Rogers has boatloads of wisdom to share. Earlier this year, Lilla hosted her brand-new e-course, MATS Portfolio Review Live, where she shared a ton of insider insights from her years as a successful illustrator and top art agent on how to make your portfolio more marketable and appealing to art directors. The first round was so popular, we’re running the live course again – and class begins TODAY! Each week for four weeks, Lilla Rogers will review a randomly selected artist’s website in an hour-long in-depth LIVE portfolio review on Facebook Live. The participant will be chosen at random each week, and it could be YOU! In addition, Lilla will offer tons of advice to help you succeed in your career. You never know what will happen in each review as they are live and unscripted! Each week comes with Lilla’s arty downloadable worksheets. Here is one on

prl2promoheader Make Art That Sells Hear what some of our students had to say about Portfolio Review Live!

Hear what some of our students had to say about Portfolio Review Live!

Have you always wanted to see how a top agent reviews a portfolio? From over 30 years in the business, Lilla Rogers has boatloads of wisdom to share. We launched our first ever MATS Portfolio Review Live e-course in June 2018, and it was so overwhelmingly popular that we’ve decided to run it again in February! February’s course is going to take a good look at what Lilla looks for as an agent in an artist’s social media and website, with a focus this round on Instagram and Pinterest. Watch Lilla live as she shares her screen and hear her review websites and social media. She’ll discuss: What can you do to attract attention? What does the art director or agent look for? What type of post gets the most hits? How can you use Instagram stories and highlights to show off your work? Join us for this dynamic, fully-live

portfolioreview1 Make Art That Sells What should you put on your About page? Hear it directly from top art agent Lilla Rogers

What should you put on your About page? Hear it directly from top art agent Lilla Rogers

What should you put on your About page? Make social media work for you and help you to make art that sells. Find out how your website and Instagram feed can beautifully reflect who you are so you attract the illustration jobs that you want. Want to know the best way to showcase your portfolio on your website? From over 30 years in the business, top art agent, author & former illustrator Lilla Rogers has boatloads of wisdom to share. Did you know that your “About” Page is probably the most important page on your site, second to the home page? Would you like to learn what agents and art directors look for on that page? What’s a turn-off and what wows them? What will help you land real illustration jobs? Optimise your website and social media to get illustration jobs Next month, we are incredibly excited to launch a

building a creative brand

The one thing you need to know about building a creative brand

what you need to know about building a creative brand   Top art agent Lilla has some thoughts to share about building a creative brand –  and it might not be what you are expecting! Watch the video for advice from a top art agent on building a creative brand and make it really special, or find the transcript below. Want to learn more about how to make your art unique and commercially viable so you get cool jobs in hot markets? Sign up for one of Lilla’s game-changing courses today and get ready to take your creative career to the next level. If you want to know more about building a creative brand,  don’t miss this FREE downloadable worksheet from Lilla on discovering what your unique brand is, and be sure to check out her fantastic course, Portfolio Review, to learn how to build your creative brand and attract