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Category:Course: MATS MBA
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Sale extended: your final 48 hours to save!

FINAL DAY TO SAVE BIG! We hope you enjoyed yesterday’s fab live Zoom event with the Make Art That Sells co-founders and creative entrepreneurs, top art agent Lilla Rogers and best-selling author Beth Kempton as much as we did – if you missed it then catch the replay below. We’ve had a ton of questions about courses since yesterday’s Zoom, so to give you more time to decide, we’ve extended our huge Cyber Sale until tomorrow, Thursday, December 8th. Shop here now. Art by Make Art That Sells student Sirjana Kaur for Illustrating Children’s Books. Last chance to get this career-changing course at a 30% discount, or save up to 50% in one of our fab bundles. Don’t forget, if you have any questions or you bought a course or two but now want to upgrade to a bundle, that’s not a problem – simply email Louise at [email protected] and


Replay of Lilla & Beth Cyber Sale Event: December 6

If you missed the Live Zoom with Lilla and Beth, please find the replay below. These top creative entrepreneurs, who have each built multi-million dollar businesses, will be giving their top tips for creative success. Plus they’ll be answering your questions, chatting to a volunteer live on screen, doing Lilla’s famous Career Tarot and giving away a FREE place in in their business course for creative people, the MATS MBA (Money BadAss).   Why wait to start your amazing illustration career? Hurry hurry HURRY – our huge Cyber Sale ends SOON! Download your gorgeous Sale Guide now, packed with quizzes and worksheets, and explore everything that’s included in the sale. Lots of love The Make Art That Sells team xxx

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FREE CAREER DOWNLOAD: How to get more customers and more money!

Lilla here. I love to help creatives succeed. Today I want to gift you a juicy FREE 8-page career download with worksheets that will help you to get more illustration customers and therefore increase how much money you can make from your art. I’ve been in the creative industry for more than 40 years and I’ve lived and worked through several recessions. I know that many of my students are experiencing higher living costs right now, with inflation and the price of fuel rising in many places around the world. What I want you to know is that you absolutely can make a living from your art, and that there are more opportunities out there for creative people than ever before. I want to show you how you can make the most of those opportunities. Get your FREE 8-page career download with worksheets HERE! Today’s free download is an actual

Anne Lehman Stolpe 640x753 1 Make Art That Sells Finding hope and opportunity in the middle of all this. Join our Facebook Live!

Finding hope and opportunity in the middle of all this. Join our Facebook Live!

How are you and your art business faring in the current climate? We have heard so many stories from the MATS community about the ways you have each been affected, and we know that it can be overwhelming to cope amid so much uncertainty. Times like this can take their toll on our creativity and motivation, and if you are worried about money, or trying to juggle additional responsibilities like homeschooling, that can add an extra layer of pressure. Student work from Anne Lehman, illustrating an article from Wabi Sabi: Japanese wisdom for a perfectly imperfect life by MATS co-founder Beth Kempton for Assignment Bootcamp 2019. For the past ten years I have been helping people to navigate change, whether that is changing careers, starting a new business, or reconfiguring their life to do more of what they love. Hand-in-hand with that comes dealing with fear of the unknown, feeling

affirmation allokay Make Art That Sells Lilla’s five lockdown questions: an opportunity to pause and reflect

Lilla’s five lockdown questions: an opportunity to pause and reflect

As a gift to our amazing community, Make Art That Sells co-founders, art agent Lilla Rogers and author and entrepreneur Beth Kempton, have decided to make their raved-about business course for creatives, MATS MBA (Money BadAss), FREE for the foreseeable future. Their aim is to give away at least 20,000 free places – so far more than 12,000 people have signed up. Find out more here. Lilla says: “One thing about where we are in this crazy, unprecedented time in the world is that it cuts through the dumb stuff. We step back and take a good look at our lives: what once was, in the past, and what will be when this is over.  This in-between time is a precious moment to reflect and make changes to our lives so that when this phase is over and the bright new future emerges we will be well-positioned to go after

lillaBeth profileMBANL Make Art That Sells From our founders Lilla and Beth: A career-supporting gift for you in these tough times

From our founders Lilla and Beth: A career-supporting gift for you in these tough times

How are you doing with all that is going on in the world? Together we are facing an unprecedented, challenging time. Everything is shifting, and many things are uncertain. In the face of this, we want you to know that the MATS community is here for you. Art can be a powerful force for good, a support for our collective mental health, and a way to stay connected with ourselves and each other. Make Art That Sells Founders: Lilla Rogers and Beth Kempton We also know that now, more than ever, we need tools and innovation to allow us to imagine a new kind of future, where we can be creative in the way we generate money to support our families, pay the bills, and help keep our local communities thriving. That’s why we want to gift every single person in our community a free place on our online course

Katia Bulbenko Make Art That Sells MATS MBA starts next week! See previous students’ support recipes and what they REALLY thought of the course

MATS MBA starts next week! See previous students’ support recipes and what they REALLY thought of the course

We are thrilled that the second round of our outstanding MATS MBA (Money BadAss) starts THIS MONDAY and we want you to join us! Imagine loving your work, making more money, and stressing less Imagine making a great living from your creativity and waking up every morning excited about your career Imagine that you’ve got brilliant systems in place that you actually enjoy using, so you know exactly what your goals are, and that you have a user-friendly action plan to achieve those goals How good would that feel? These are just some of the things which students in our previous MBA course told us that MBA had done for them! Anna Lindsten’s support recipe from our previous MATS MBA course. What support do you need, and how can you get it? Let Lilla and Beth help you figure it out!  One thing we talk about on the course is support and how you can get it. Sometimes being an artist can be lonely (and one of the things our students mention a LOT is the wonderful

monetize weirdness Make Art That Sells #MATSPREP DAY Three: Your 2019 CUP of dreams

#MATSPREP DAY Three: Your 2019 CUP of dreams

You’ve written on each cup on your page, and learned some things about yourself. There’s something about working pictorially that may help you get clarity. I’m guessing that you’re probably a visual learner (duh!) and that by making a drawing, you may have made some discoveries about what you want for your future. Today, pick one of your favorite cups and make it a whole big picture. Add ‘2019’ to the page, and any other words or drawings you like!  Maybe it’s simply the cup and ‘2019’ on a page. Maybe you are drinking from the cup, or mixing up a cake mix in the cup/bowl…draw a picture of the cup any way you like! “But Lilla”, you say, “How can I pick just one?” I’m literally smiling as I write this because I know, as a creative person, you have a million things you want to do. But for now, pick one and make it a page.

be you Make Art That Sells #MATSPREP DAY TWO: Your cup runneth over

#MATSPREP DAY TWO: Your cup runneth over

Cups, containers, vases, mugs. Cat cup by Helen Dardik and blue floral travel mug by Carolyn Gavin  There’s something really precious about cups. What do you think of cups? Did you enjoy drawing a page of cups? (Remember, they can be any kind of vessel. I’m just calling them cups for shorthand.) The guts of a career is the dream. The thing that will keep you motivated and passionate—through thick and thin—is if the work comes from your very special dream. What do we mean by a dream? A dream is a vision for your future that makes you happy.  Yes, your career will evolve—that’s the fun of it—but for now, start where you are right now. In our MBA (Money BadAss) course, brilliant entrepreneurs Beth Kempton and Lilla Rogers will guide you to create your brand, your look, and to think about who you want to appeal to. This MATS Prep that you’re working on is my sneaky secret trick to help you prepare

#MATSPREP DAY ONE: draw a page of CUPS!

  A few of my many cups, vases, bowls and containers.  From left: Floral bowl by Carolyn Gavin;  fox cup by Helen Dardik; rabbit cup by Zoe Ingram Never before in the history of the planet have there been so many opportunities for creative people!  For the next three days, I’m going to help you prepare for our hugely successful course, MATS MBA (Money BadAss) which starts this Monday. In the MBA course, you’ll make your dreams a reality, and this 3-Day MATS Prep is going to help you get ready for that with this kinda magical exercise. Each day, you’ll build on the previous day, so be sure to dive in right now. I’d love to see what you do so be sure to share it on social media! #matsprep Today, I’d like you to draw cups! Yup, cups. Draw a page of 10 – 20 cups, vases, bowls, containers of varying sizes. Leave room to write words on the front of each vessel. You’ll learn more tomorrow. Here’s a really simple page