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FREE assignment: Explore the most popular substrate for home décor!

Lilla here. Today I’m sharing Part 2 of the five part #MATSprep assignment I’ve created for you to help you get warmed up for my Creating Collections for Home Décor class. If you missed Part 1 then catch up here.

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Creating Collections for Home Décor is a unique online course that will not only show you how you can use your art to design a gorgeous home décor line, but will also show you how to present it as a collection, in a way that clients, creative directors and manufacturers understand – so not only are they more likely to buy your art, but they are also more likely to buy more of it.

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Art by Meera Lee Patel for Creating Collections for Home Décor. Learn how to design for this lucrative market and how to present your art as collections so you sell more to each client. Sign up here!

Why does this assignment have five parts? It’s part of the way that I teach: breaking everything down into manageable steps so you never get overwhelmed and instead can just focus on making beautiful art. I’ve taught thousands of creative people, from kids all the way to professional artists, and I pride myself on tricking you into doing your very best work.

How? Focusing on steps one at a time means that you can enjoy your art in the moment, rather than worrying about the final result, and this means that your art will be more joyful. When you find the joy in your art, it will shine through, and people buy your joy! Taking things one step at a time also means that you’re inspired and motivated to find out what comes next. Each step builds on the one before.


Here’s Part 2 of your FREE assignment

Here’s the bottom line: creative directors and manufacturers need your gorgeous art. Just look around the space you’re in now: how bare and empty would it be without art? There’s a huge market out there, and I want to show you how you can grab a piece of it.

Home décor means things people buy to put in their homes. This could be things you put on a table that are functional, like tableware, candles and candlesticks, vases, trays or table linens. It could be things that add beauty to your space, like rugs and throws, decorative pillows, or ornaments. Or it could be larger items that store things, like dressers, shelving or canisters. And on and on and on!


Art by Erin Vanessa for Creating Collections for Home Décor. Erin is another Make Art That Sells student that I now represent after falling in love with her art in class – and I’m always looking for more artists to represent!

In Creating Collections for Home Décor, you’ll spend five weeks exploring five of the most popular substrates for home décor: glass, wood/MDF, fabric, metal and ceramic. For this assignment, we’re going to explore one of the most popular items in home décor: ceramic mugs.

Your mission today is to take a photo of a ceramic mug or cup. Find it in your house/apartment, in a shop, in a café or restaurant, online, in a magazine or catalogue, or wherever you like.

I’ll go first. Here are a few of the mugs and cups in my studio (and two vases thrown in, because I push the boundaries of even my own assignment, lol.)

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Some cups and mugs from my studio. Look at the variety: colors, shapes, sizes, style and more. What will your home décor collection look like? Find out in Creating Collections for Home Décor.

While you take your photo, think about how the mug is decorated. Is the handle decorated? How? Does the art go around the entire mug or is it one big motif? What about the shape of the mug and its handle? What about the texture: is it smooth, or does it have a glaze or other finish?

I hope you find this assignment eye-opening. It’s going to get you to take notice of a very popular home décor product, and will also start to create awareness of the different substrates used in home décor design. You’ll dive deep into these in Creating Collections in Home Décor, including finishing notes for each of the substrates that will give your collection a professional finish and wow potential clients.

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Art created by Zoë Ingram for Creating Collections for Home Décor (left) and some of the products that got made for Creative Co-op (right).

For extra credit, think about and maybe sketch how you’d decorate a ceramic collection with your art.

Don’t forget to share your art so that I can see it – I’ll be looking! Tag @makeartthatsells and use the hashtag #MATSprep so that I can find it. I can’t wait to see what you do.


Gorgeous ceramic designs by Make Art That Sells student Mary O’Malley. Learn how you can create eye-catching pitches like this. Sign up here.

Want to learn more about this fabulous art market and how you can build a successful creative career? Then sign up now! You’re going to love this hugely popular class. You’ll get weekly LIVE reviews with me and my brilliant co-teacher, Margo Tantau, which are an incredible opportunity to learn as well as being a fantastic opportunity to maybe get YOUR art reviewed by an art agent and a creative director (and don’t forget – I’m always looking for new talent!). Plus the course is packed with valuable information: find out more here.

I hope to see you in class soon!

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Lots of love

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