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How to get ideas for a children’s book story: Part 3

Do you want to learn how to get ideas for a children’s book story? Lilla here. Over the past week, I’ve been sharing some of my dreamy Magic Cards to help you tap in to that wonderful imagination of yours and come up with ideas for a children’s book story.

ideas for a children's book story

I want you to get a taste of the what’s to come and get you warmed up for my My Kid Book Pitch class that starts THIS MONDAY, October 18th. I honestly couldn’t be more excited about this course. I know that you’re going to come up with some incredible ideas for a children’s book story from this, and I love to read what you’ve written each week.

Free Live Zoom event TODAY!

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Here is the Replay of the Live Zoom with Lilla and Zoe!

How to Get ideas for a children’s book story

Over the past week, you played with the Squeeze Me Doll Card and the fun Giraffe Card: if you missed them, check out Part 1 and Part 2. You wrote down some thoughts and possibly added some sketches. I’ve been checking out some of your work on Instagram and I absolutely love them – you’re so imaginative and special. I can’t wait to get started with you in class on Monday. Creative people have the most amazing imaginations, and together we’re going to unleash some brilliant stories. Are you ready to discover yours? There’s still time to sign up here.

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HORSESHOE CARD Make Art That Sells How to get ideas for a children’s book story: Part 3

Today, I’ll throw the Horseshoe Card into the mix.

1. Take a good look. What’s it made of? What are the pegs for? What about the kids on the tag, what are they doing? What do you think of that vivid yellow, cerise and turquoise color scheme? Look at the kid with blue hair. Does that throw up some ideas for you? Do you wish you could dye your hair a bright color?

Horseshoes are supposed to be lucky. Would carrying this toy bring you luck? Why else would you have it? Who does it belong to? Does it bring up thoughts of other magical harbingers of luck, like black cats or four leaf clover?

Who would need to buy a horseshoe like this? What would they use it for? How did they lose the shoe they’re replacing? Do you wish horseshoes were fancier, so horses had prettier shoes?

2. Write freely, without editing or judging. If you’re an illustrator, add sketches or doodles if you like.

3. Include the scenes that pop into your head, and make note of any emotions that come up.

4. Now it’s time to mash up! Add the horseshoe to what you’ve written the past two days, combining it with the Squeeze Me Doll and Giraffe. Let them play together in your head. Write a little story. Just a few sentences is great! Artists, draw a picture, too. How do the doll and giraffe interact with it? Are they playing horseshoes? Why? Are they magical friends on a journey Where?

Don’t forget to share what you do today! If you’ve created an image, then share it on Instagram with the hashtag #MATSprep and tag @makeartthatsells so I can see it. If you’ve written notes, share those too. You can make your notes pretty or mix them up with sketches and doodles, or just share them as is. I want to be able to see what you’ve done before the free live Zoom event today at 12 noon ET!

This is just the beginning. The Magic Cards are simply a way to get your imagination flowing. Don’t forget that you get a whole new set of 26 Magic Cards, not including the three I’ve shared this week, on the first day of class, plus worksheets to help you play with them and come up with incredible ideas for a children’s book. Along with two  Lives every week with me and loads of worksheets over four weeks, you’re going to amaze yourself with what you are capable of writing.

Want to learn more? Read about the course here. Be sure to join me in class for more goodness and to craft your own wonderful story. Sign up here. Hurry, class starts THIS MONDAY, October 18th!

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#matsprep, Course: My Kid Book Pitch