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FREE illustration assignment #2 from art agent Lilla: How to make a new color palette

Lilla here. Today I want to show you how to make a new color palette. For the next week or so, I’m sharing some playful mini assignments with you, to help you loosen up and find the joy in your art-making. Last week we had a look at your collections – the things you love and obsess over – to help you start thinking about your style. If you missed it, catch up here. Today we’re going to play with color.

Anyone who has taken any of my classes knows that I adore color. Color is queen! Without fantastic color, all the gorgeous drawing and design in the world won’t have the same magic appeal. That’s why knowing how to make a new color palette is so important.

how to make a new color palette

I always have vases of cut flowers from my garden in my studio to add even more color.

Have you found that you tend to use the same colors over and over? I know that I did when I was an illustrator. It’s just so easy to do.

I worked hard to freshen up my color palette now and then, and you should too. Here’s why I want to show you how to make a new color palette:

  • It gives your work fresh energy.
  • It broadens your job possibilities. Different palettes offer more variety for the client as some prefer moody colors. Some like pale colors. Some like bright colors.

Today, I want to show you how to come up with a new color palette, and especially how to come up with a random color palette to break out of your color habit — not by thinking about it, but by simply taking some photos of what you see around you.

How to make a new color palette

So for this mini assignment, I want you to throw together a few things that you have on your desk or table. (You can cheat and not just use what’s on your desk or table. I’m just suggesting that to give you a starting point. Perhaps you could use some pieces from the collections we talked about last week). Put things together and see what kinds of colors that you juxtapose together. You may surprise yourself with some exciting combinations.

how to make a new color palette

Here’s a quick collection of items from my desk. Don’t you love how the pink and yellow pop against the more neutral colors?

Tip: Play around with different surfaces you place your items upon. Think about how you compose the picture. Move stuff around. You can go busy or simple.

Tip: I’d love you to include neutrals. Why? Because as you know if you’ve taken my courses, neutrals help your colors sing. Neutrals add nuance to your piece. Neutrals are those non-bright, muddy colors like cream, taupe, mud, beige, greige.

Tip: For extra credit, you can make paint swatches to match your palette.

how to make a new color palette

Want to learn more about color? Mara Penny, a Make Art That Sells student whom I now represent, wrote a great blog post on how to create gorgeous palettes: check it out here.

Don’t forget, you can share your photos on social media and tag @makeartthatsells or #makeartthatsells.

I cannot wait to see what you do!


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