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FREE illustration assignment #3 from art agent Lilla: Design an illuminated letter

Lilla here. Today I’m setting you a fun FREE illustration assignment that’s great for your illustration portfolio: design an illuminated letter. For the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing some playful mini assignments for you, to up your art game. If you missed out on the first two assignments, you can catch up on the MATS blog here.

Today, your mini assignment is to illuminate or embellish a single letter: the first letter of your name. Sometimes it’s really nice to have a really narrow subject to draw, and then explore it fully.

Plus it’s not too overwhelming this way. As my students know, my favorite way to teach is to break things down into small steps, so you can find the joy in your art-making without getting overwhelmed.

Tip: Art directors often look for artists that can do lettering. Including lettering in your art is a great way to increase the amount of work you’ll get and the amount of money you’ll make.

Design an illuminated letter

This illuminated letter F by Make Art That Sells student Kate Merritt, which she created based on one of my previous mini assignments, made it into the Flow calendar.

Design an illuminated letter

I’m going to show you a bunch of sample illuminated letters. But you need not design an illuminted letter in this classic way. In fact, do it in your own way, in your own style.

I’m using the letter B for these examples, but don’t forget you’re doing the first letter of your name.

First, I’m going to show you three letters in boxes, which is a fun thing you might want to try out when you design an illuminated letter.

Design an illuminated letter

Illuminated letter B by Valérie Martinoli.

Above: Notice how the whole letter fits in the square and a pansy is set behind it. Tip: Look how the letter is shaded to give a sense of rounded form.

Design an illuminated letter

Artist unknown.

Above: Tip #2 Think about contrast. The white letter pops out against the black background. (Also, dig the creepy characters imbedded inside the letter.) Tip: Can we clearly read your letter?

B3letter Make Art That Sells FREE illustration assignment #3 from art agent Lilla: Design an illuminated letter

Illuminated letter B by James Tissot.

Above: This letter square has very little contrast and feels soft and vintage.

B4 Make Art That Sells FREE illustration assignment #3 from art agent Lilla: Design an illuminated letter

Artist unknown.

Above: Here, the entire letter is engulfed in foliage. Is that a fox I see? Or a dragon? This is a highly-embellished letter, but it is still (just barely) legible.

As always, don’t copy. You want to be working in your own style. These examples are just a jumping off point to give you some idea of where to start.

If you like, you can share your photos on Instragram and tag @makeartthatsells or #makeartthatsells so I can see what you come up with.

With affection,


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