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See the MATS students work that made it into the Flow Calendar 2019!

Recently, Flow Magazine published their gorgeous tear-off calendar for 2019, and we were thrilled to see that so many MATS students were selected to be included in the calendar!

flow2 Make Art That Sells See the MATS students work that made it into the Flow Calendar 2019!

Flow told us, “We paid attention to quality, diversity, colors, orginality and if the illustration makes us happy, or touches us. We think with this calendar we bring an ode to illustrators, and we give you a different ‘painting’ on your wall, every day of the year!”

In many cases, the images were created during Make Art That Sells online courses. This is because MATS courses are designed to help you create showstopping portfolio pieces which are just what art directors are looking for and which can help you get real work!

Read on to see just some of the stunning images from MATS students and to find out how they felt that their experience of MATS has helped them to develop their careers so far …

benedicte barrett flow image parisseratoujoursparis Make Art That Sells See the MATS students work that made it into the Flow Calendar 2019!

Bénédicte Barret: “Paris sera toujours Paris”

Bénédicte says: I went back to illustration after a long break. When my twin girls reached 15 months, I fell ready to challenge myself and I signed up to a new MATS Bootcamp. In my own pace, I then taught myself new tricks on Photoshop and was happy to experiment them with Lilla’s motivating briefs. I gradually felt more confident and started to build a new distinctive style. After a few months, I created this Parisian scene I was very happy with and successfully submitted it to Flow magazine.

See more of Bénédicte’s work on her website and Instagram.

Carrie Chapko May RoseJournal 8x10print 72 Make Art That Sells See the MATS students work that made it into the Flow Calendar 2019!

Carrie Chapko: “May Rose Journal”

Carrie says: I created this piece during Bootcamp. Our assignment was to create a journal cover that featured roses and a quote by Gertrude Jekyll, one of the first female landscape designers.

MATS classes inspire me to push my creativity and experiment with new techniques and processes. I have MATS to thank for helping me to evolve my work and build confidence. The MATS community is so valuable and I enjoy working alongside artists from all around the world. I would never be in a place to be able to submit to FLOW Magazine without this experience, I am so very thankful!

See more of Carrie’s work on her website and Instagram.

EmilyHamilton Make Art That Sells See the MATS students work that made it into the Flow Calendar 2019!

Emily Hamilton

Emily says: Taking MATS classes have given me so much insight and inspiration with my artwork. Lilla’s advice and enthusiasm within the courses really pushed me to keep creating more new work and to have the confidence in myself to submit artwork to the places I’d like to see it! Thanks so much Lilla!

See more of Emily’s work on her website and Instagram.

flowKalender EstherMols Make Art That Sells See the MATS students work that made it into the Flow Calendar 2019!

Esther Mols

Esther says: I took my first MATS class last year (Bootcamp 2017) and since then I took about seven different classes. I grew so much, i can’t believe it. MATS is a different level. Lilla’s way of teaching is so special, I instantly get inspired when I read her briefings. And the community is so supporting and fun. I was so happy to see that so much MATS students were in the calendar!

See more of Esther’s work on her Instagram.

Karen Dreyfus Flow Calendar 2019sm Make Art That Sells See the MATS students work that made it into the Flow Calendar 2019!

Karen Dreyfus

Karen says: This portrait came about after our January Bootcamp assignment. I started to illustrate Aretha portraits and turned them into imagined album covers from the 60s. MATS classes have given me the confidence to send my work out. I feel that I’m capable to illustrate people and through making all the assignments I’ve developed my style. The more I do the more I can see my style come through.

See more of Karen’s work on her website and Instagram.

Such beautiful work and we are always so proud of our alumni successes and love to show them off. Plus we’ll be sharing some more of the MATS Flow submissions later in the year so keep your eyes peeled!


The MATS team xxx

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Alumni Success, Creativity