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A day in the life of Lilla Rogers

To those familiar with Make Art That Sells we hardly need to introduce Lilla Rogers! Lilla is the teaching force behind all our e-courses and our MATS alumni call her their Fairy Art Mother because she is dedicated to help passionate people create amazing and sustainable art.

On top of that, she runs Lilla Rogers’ art agency that represents 30+ artists, creates her own art and is an author.

We wondered, with all that going on, what does a day in Lilla’s life look like? She let us follow her for a whole day to find out.


Starting my day with coffee and The New York Times. Today is going to be full of variety which I love.


Shall I wear a tattoo today? By Tattoorary.


On my way to work out with my trainer. #wouldrathersit


Stopping for coffee at The Kickstand Cafe.


Relaxing outside of café and brainstorming on phone with Suzy Ultman about our art retreat and The Make Art That Sells home décor course.  #digitalnomad


Doing a little trending at the Arlington Centered shop next door to my gym .


Paul, the clerk, holds up a scarf.


I ask Paul to model it. I buy it. What a sport! Will be a pretty scarf for my videos.


Grab some groceries and check out the color palette of the florals at Whole Foods.


Notice the pink color of the Real Simple Magazine cover. That’s a fresh look.


Charming vintage typography at the grocery store.


Home now.


Changing into my England shoes for working in. #shoesmustmatchthemood


Patty, my yoga teacher and our studio assistant, holds up my latest Janome machine embroidery piece. Patty says that doing a day in the life on Instagram is like a mindfulness exercise. You are totally aware of your life.


Meeting with lovely Reine Sloan our marketing strategist about a zillion things.


Working. Emailing my artists about new jobs, their latest work, reviewing prizes for the Global Talent Search, reviewing website redesign layouts, discussing e-course with Margo Tantau of Midwest CBK, emailing producer Beth Kempton of Do What You Love.


Reviewing our client Madison Park Greetings catalog for ideas.


Calling my colleague agent Susan McCabe to discuss a very cool project for one of our artists.


Home for the evening. Bouquet from the garden. Dinner with Andy. A good day.


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17 Responses to “A day in the life of Lilla Rogers”

  1. I’m not usually a shoe type of girl – obviously I need to follow you around! I love the green ones :-) What a fantastic colourful day you have, no wonder we only ever see you smiling. Love and thanks j x

  2. Lilla, I loved the journey through your day which was non-stop color and the noticing of all the beauty around as you go through your day. I am missing all my mats folks this year however, I hope to do the decor classes next time around. Lovin those funky green shoes. Little girl/big girl shoes. Love you, too. Christine Graf

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