Hurry HURRY – sign up now for an incredible mentoring experience with top art agent Lilla Rogers!

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Category:Course: Creating Collections for Home Decor
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Happy Birthday Lilla Rogers! And a sneak peek of some of the artists birthday cards

Earlier this month we celebrated our fabulous co-founder Lilla Rogers’s birthday! It has almost become an annual tradition for Lilla’s artists to create personal birthday cards for her. This year they’re absolutely gorgeous & we thought it would be nice to share some of them with you. See for yourself! CLAIRICE GIFFORD  HELEN DARDIK  MARA PENNY  REBECCA JONES  TERRI FRY KASUBA  Want to learn more about the greeting card and gift markets? Lilla can teach you all you need to know about getting your art on products in these markets! Find out more about our popular self-paced MATS A and MATS B courses & what you can learn about greeting cards & stationery or the gift market now! We hope you enjoyed the gorgeous creative cards as much as Lilla did. Happy Birthday Lilla! The MATS Team xxx

very last day Make Art That Sells Last day to sign up! The quality of a course can be measured by the quality of the work that comes out of it.

Last day to sign up! The quality of a course can be measured by the quality of the work that comes out of it.

  Join us for five weeks of exciting and fresh art instruction by top agent Lilla Rogers and Art Director Margo Tantau. Registration will be closing TODAY at 11.59pm PT, so hurry! Join us here.   The quality of a course can be measured by the quality of the work that comes out of it. “The Home Décor class helped me grow as an artist because it opened my eyes to all the possible applications of art on products. I felt free to explore my painterly style without fear. I discovered that people respond to the looseness of paint, which was a bit of a relief, to be honest!” – SHARON MONTGOMERY   “The course is so valuable even just for the amazing and supportive facebook community – it is such a lovely, safe and supportive place to ask each other questions, share knowledge, and just be generally supportive and uplifting. The ability to

letsgetstarted Make Art That Sells Lilla’s 6 top tips for artists for the Home Decor industry. Still time to join us!

Lilla’s 6 top tips for artists for the Home Decor industry. Still time to join us!

We loved following along in the Make Art That Sells #myMATSprep mini assignments across Instagram last week. These mini assignments by Lilla were to prepare you for the Home Décor class that started YESTERDAY! If you haven’t signed up for the Home Décor class, there’s still time. But hurry before it’s too late. Lilla co-teaches this class with the lovely and savvy Margo Tantau, top creative director who delivers a ton of inside information to help students make outstanding pitches. Annabel Tempest Lilla says, “I love nothing more than seeing an artist take one of my courses and watching their work bust out all over in fabulousness. You may think I’m just saying that to be braggy, but the proof is in the pudding. I expect the very best of my students and push them because I want them to make a living with their art.” Check out the range of styles on

classstartstoday 650x315 Make Art That Sells Hurry! Class starts today! Get your first mini assignment today. Don’t miss out!

Hurry! Class starts today! Get your first mini assignment today. Don’t miss out!

  Yippie! Class starts today! Join us here and begin making your best art ever. Get your first mini assignment. Don’t miss out! Here is a little peek into the online classroom where all the magic happens!   Here’s what you get with MATS: Creating Collections for Home Décor: // Core contents Five intense weeks of class, with daily posts to push you and your creative career forward Five in-depth videos featuring Margo Tantau and Lilla Rogers, providing insight into how to take your art from 2D to 3D products made from the five most popular materials for home décor – metal, fabric, glass, ceramics and wood/MDF. Advice on pitching full collections of product concepts to top art directors. This includes tips on opportunities, constraints, what sells and who buys. Three trend boards provided by a working art director A Trend Board Analysis worksheet to help you better understand and

hurryclassstartstomorrow Make Art That Sells Hurry! Class starts tomorrow. Imagine designing your own home décor collection! Meet Margo. Success stories.

Hurry! Class starts tomorrow. Imagine designing your own home décor collection! Meet Margo. Success stories.

Our Creating Collections for Home Décor course starts tomorrow! Are you joining us? I’m pretty much in love with this course and my co-teacher, is the very cool, kind, and savvy Margo Tantau. Margo is a highly respected creative director who has licensed a ton of art for all kinds of home décor products. Here’s Margo Tantau, my co-teacher. Wouldn’t you love to learn how to make your own home décor collection from her? Let me introduce you to one of the artists I represent, Carolyn Gavin, and tell you about one of her (many) success stories. Here she is… …and this is one of the assignments she did in the MATS Creating Collections for Home Décor course… …and this is the incredible and beautiful home décor collection she got from her classwork: Seriously, the course totally works. Want to see another class success story? My lovely artist Katie Vernon…

manifesthomedecor1000pxl Make Art That Sells Free download and Facebook Live today with Lilla! Join us!

Free download and Facebook Live today with Lilla! Join us!

Here’s a free downloadable quiz I made for you to get you thinking in a playful way about what your very own home décor line would look like. You might be surprised to find out how you can connect with this vast and lucrative market. Hope you enjoy it! Be sure to post your results on Instagram. Follow us @makeartthatsells and include the hashtag #makeartthatsells and #matshomedecor. I made the quiz for you to help you ready for our highly-regarded course, Make Art That Sells: Creating Collections for Home Décor  which starts this Monday, August 7 (we just opened the classroom doors today, so if you sign up here, you can get instant access now). I co-teach the course with brilliant art director, Margo Tantau, and in five weeks, we’ll guide you step by step to create your own fantastic home décor presentation which you can then pitch to art

mats prep 05 Make Art That Sells #mymatsprep Home Decor DAY 5: YOUR IMAGINARY SHOP

#mymatsprep Home Decor DAY 5: YOUR IMAGINARY SHOP Complete this sentence. Be weird. Be yourself. Be nutty. Be a child. Once, a long time ago, I owned a special tiny little shop in the town of _____________________. I sold _________________ which everyone loved because __________. The name of my shop was _________________. It was only open on Tuesdays because ______________________. My best-selling item was: _______________ (Draw the shop if you like!) Can’t wait to see you in class. You are now prepared for the course, and hopefully motivated to make your dreamy killer pitch for you own amazing home décor collection with the guidance of expert Margo Tantau and me.   Join the fun and show us your images for MATS Prep! –Upload your image on Instagram tagging @makeartthatsells and give it the hashtag #mymatsprep –To see all the fantastic images for MATS prep: Go to the #mymatsprep tag here What is #MyMATSPrep? It’s a series of five mini assignments

mats prep 04 Make Art That Sells #mymatsprep Home Decor DAY 4: YOUR IMAGINARY ROOM

#mymatsprep Home Decor DAY 4: YOUR IMAGINARY ROOM

Lilla Rogers Studio conference table and my big thinking throne on the upper right. I made this space exactly how I wanted it. Imagine the coolest room ever. It’s full of gorgeous prints that you love. Abundant colors and patterns fill the space exactly to your liking. There’s a fab chair for you to read in. What does it look like? Give it an ottoman to rest your feet, a special table to hold your coffee, place the perfect lamp on top, a little rug under it all. Now draw it so we can all see what your perfect spot looks like. Use your color palette from day 2. You’ve just created the beginning of a whole product line. We’ll teach you how to present it so that you get the home décor collection of your dreams. Join the fun and show us your images for MATS Prep! –Upload your

mats prep 03 Make Art That Sells #mymatsprep Home Decor DAY 3: WHERE YOU’RE GOING TO WORK FOR THE 5 WEEK INTENSIVE COURSE


Photo by Lilla Rogers Find a spot where you’ll make art for the course. Is it outdoors? At your art table? At a café? On a balcony in Bermuda? (Ok, maybe your space isn’t a vacation spot. That’s ok.) This is where you’ll be making art for 5 weeks. Make it special and inviting. Add flowers. Line up your supplies. Get a new paint palette. Put your pencils in a kooky vase or can. Show us the photo!   Join the fun and show us your images for MATS Prep! –Upload your image on Instagram tagging @makeartthatsells and give it the hashtag #mymatsprep –To see all the fantastic images for MATS prep: Go to the #mymatsprep tag here What is #MyMATSPrep? It’s a series of five mini assignments Lilla has created to get you ready to rock our MATS: Creating Collections for Home Décor class. Haven’t signed up yet? Hurry! Sign up here. This

bepartofsomething mats promo 17a 650x200 Make Art That Sells More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor' (No. 12): Be part of something

More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor’ (No. 12): Be part of something

All the Make Art That Sells experiences are special, not only because of what you learn and how you grow, but because of who you share the experience with. Each course offers you the opportunity to join a private online community of artists just like you – others who want to make it as a professional, who also have growing pains, successes to celebrate, and advice to share. Often class participants form strong bonds with other artists in class, organizing local meetups, becoming friends and even exhibiting together at trade shows. This class will be just like that, with a community of artists from all over the world. You can be part of something amazing, and that is something to be treasured. Feel like this is exactly what you need?  *** Want a piece of the $60 Billion Home Decor industry? What is home décor? It’s all the gorgeous and/or