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Category:Course: Creating Collections for Home Decor
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mats prep 02 Make Art That Sells #mymatsprep Home Decor DAY 2: COLOR COMBINATION PAGE

#mymatsprep Home Decor DAY 2: COLOR COMBINATION PAGE

Using any medium, put together a few fave color combinations you love. Use at least one gorgeous neutral such as cream, taupe, beige, gray, etc. You can cut out little color squares from magazines, use paint, cut bits of solid colored fabric, work digitally, etc. In class, we’ll provide you with state of the art home decor inspiration boards with gorgeous color palettes in class, but for now, check in on what colors you love. It’ll help you select your board in the course. If you like bright colors, for instance, you’ll know that the bright-colored board is for you to work off of in class. Join the fun and show us your images for MATS Prep! –Upload your image on Instagram tagging @makeartthatsells and give it the hashtag #mymatsprep What is #MyMATSPrep? It’s a series of five mini assignments Lilla has created to get you ready to rock our MATS:

growportfolio mats promo 18a 650x200 Make Art That Sells More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor: (No. 11): Grow your portfolio

More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor: (No. 11): Grow your portfolio

Career longevity comes from making a lot of commercially-viable art, having a recognizable style and being committed. Whether you are in the early stages of your career, or a veteran, this course will freshen up your portfolio with new pieces inspired by the weekly professional-level assignments. But more importantly, it will teach you how to present your work as collections, showcasing your ideas for product concepts, making your work instantly more appealing to art directors. Not only are they more likely to notice you, but they are more likely to buy more from you, and work with you for longer because suddenly you know how to speak their language. Take a look at what is on offer with this short video: [vimeo][/vimeo] This course will help you transform your portfolio from a series of flat art pieces to a commercially-appealing showcase of your talent which demonstrates exactly what you are

mats prep 01 Make Art That Sells #mymatsprep Home Decor DAY 1: ART CUP

#mymatsprep Home Decor DAY 1: ART CUP

Are you ready for #MyMATSPep? Lilla has cooked up a very special series of creative prompts, starting TODAY! It’s free, and Lilla has created a series of five mini assignments to get you ready for ‘MATS Creating Collections for Home Decor‘ all this week before the course starts next Monday.  If you are not already signed up to the class, come and join us here! Photos by Lilla Rogers/Anthropologie ART CUP Put your art on a CUP that you’d like to use every morning. Does it have words? Flowers? What is its shape? What colors? What does your handle look like? Is there a saucer? Does it match or is it different? Look at that, you have just designed a product. Margo and I will teach you how to do tons of this on the top home décor substrates such as metal, wood, glass, ceramic fabric. Extra credit: Upload and

questionsanswered mats promo 04a 650x200 Make Art That Sells More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor: (No. 10): Get your burning questions answered

More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor: (No. 10): Get your burning questions answered

Throughout the five weeks of class you can ask any questions you like to Lilla and Margo. This is an amazing opportunity to find out the things they never tell you in art school, to discover more about what it’s like in the real professional world, and learn how to give yourself the best chance of success. Behind-the-scenes of the filming of the course with Lilla and Margo For an idea of the kind of questions students have asked on previous MATS courses, take a look at the various downloadable Q&A we share in our ‘Free stuff’ section here. Feel like this is exactly what you need?  *** Want a piece of the $60 Billion Home Decor industry? What is home décor? It’s all the gorgeous and/or functional items in your house. It’s a booming market that needs tons of art, with over $60 billion in annual sales. Its massive

makebetterart mats promo 19a 650x200 Make Art That Sells More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor (No. 9): Make better art

More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor (No. 9): Make better art

Since launching in 2013, Make Art That Sells has rapidly gained a reputation as the go-to place for anyone serious about making commercially viable art whilst staying true to themselves. We have been completely blown away by the response of our participants (many of whom have come back to repeat the course), and have been thrilled to see huge leaps forward in their artwork. Make Art That Sells really works, as can be seen in this blog post sharing some of the many jobs participants have landed since graduating. The Home Decor course will build on all that has been shared before, with specific guidance on how to make better art, as well as sell more of it to clients.   Here are a few words from graduates of other Make Art That Sells courses, to show that the teaching can make a huge difference to artists: This is the course you

industrysecrets mats promo 20a 650x200 Make Art That Sells More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor' (No. 8): Hear industry secrets

More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor’ (No. 8): Hear industry secrets

As an Art Director, Margo Tantau knows exactly what she looks for when seeking out a new artist. She also knows what the market wants, and how to work with manufacturers to deliver that. For the first time ever she shares that insider knowledge with you in this course, including: Weekly Art Directors’ Cheat Sheets to tell you exactly how to woo an art director, and how not to turn them off A host of details about the manufacturing process which will make you look at the art you sell in a completely different light Real examples of annotated product and collection sheets showing exactly what goes to the manufacturer – knowing this can help you make your art more attractive to an art buyer, because you can demonstrate your understanding of the process A ton of specific finishing notes for metal, glass, fabric, ceramics and wood/MDF, to help you

Sara Franklin Sweet Honey Make Art That Sells MATS Home Decor Student Showcase part 4 {2016 class}

MATS Home Decor Student Showcase part 4 {2016 class}

We are so proud of our wonderful Make Art That Sells alumni and are pleased to showcase a series of gorgeous student work that was produced in our May session of Creating Collections for Home Décor *** SARA FRANKLIN | SARA FRANKLIN DESIGN LLC I designed this bedroom set to be relaxing and calming, mixing colors and textures to create a happy, warm feeling. I would love to have a bedroom with this duvet cover and colors! How did the Home Décor class help you grow? I learned how to let go and follow my instinct. I felt the most happy when I was enjoying the process, instead of worrying about the outcome each week. I really loved creating a cohesive collection. Going more in depth into a theme helped me to discover something new each week. Lilla and Margo gave me permission to be free! What did you discover

homedectrendboardsAug2017 Make Art That Sells Want a peek of the hot new trend boards we are sharing in our Home Décor class? Open up…

Want a peek of the hot new trend boards we are sharing in our Home Décor class? Open up…

For several weeks Lilla and Margo have been debating the hottest industry trends, discussing what’s on the horizon, and curating visual inspiration for participants of our ‘MATS: Creating Collections for Home Décor’ class which starts on Monday, August 7th. The three fresh trend boards they have come up with are absolutely gorgeous, so we thought we’d share a little peek with you. So, let’s take a look at what trend boards actually are, and how they are used in industry. By Kirsten Sevig based off Lilla’s trend board “Kool Aid Dollhouse”   Margo Tantau and Lilla Rogers regularly create professional trend boards (also known as style boards). These influence what product collections are developed. That’s why we are so lucky to have three gorgeous, industry-level trend-relevant trend boards created by Lilla Rogers exclusively for the course. You get to choose which one you’d like to work with, and then over the five weeks of

peptalks mats promo 21a 650x200 Make Art That Sells More reasons to take 'Creating Collections for Home Décor' (No. 7): Watch pep talks

More reasons to take ‘Creating Collections for Home Décor’ (No. 7): Watch pep talks

For graduates of our other Make Art That Sells courses, Lilla’s pep talks are legendary. This new course brings you a whole new set of weekly pep talks about the creative life, packed with tips, tricks and advice from your Fairy Artmother. Lilla also shares a series of thoughts about growing your creative business, which are sure to inspire some a-ha moments. Behind-the-scenes of the filming of the course Did we mention they are filmed in her newly decorated studio, with a ton of gorgeous products and quirky vintage finds to drool over?… Feel like this is exactly what you need?  *** Want a piece of the $60 Billion Home Decor industry? What is home décor? It’s all the gorgeous and/or functional items in your house. It’s a booming market that needs tons of art, with over $60 billion in annual sales. Its massive growth is due in part to

ASPA GIKA PARISLOVENEST FINISHINGNOTES600 Make Art That Sells MATS Home Decor Student Showcase part 3 {2016 class}

MATS Home Decor Student Showcase part 3 {2016 class}

We are so proud of our wonderful Make Art That Sells alumni and are pleased to showcase a series of gorgeous student work that was produced in our May session of Creating Collections for Home Décor *** KATE BILLINGSLEY This is my collection of teacups, saucers and plates for ceramics week. It combines detailed gold linework with flashes of watercolour against rich jewel tones. This was the week I had a few revelations, and I finally figured out my art style. I tend to go for darker, richer colours as a rule, but this was also the week I finally understood why contrast is so important – hence the paler parchment background to make everything pop. How did the home decor class help you grow? I was an artist unsure of my style – I liked to do so many different things, and didn’t understand how to bring it all